
Am sure this will help you pass your exam


Usually after the release of an exam there are usually 4 categories of students that wrote CIS exam.


  1. Those that passed all the papers they sat for: I remember when I first wrote CIS exam, can you imagine that I failed woefully but I rewrote the exam which I eventually passed.  Actually, very little percentage of students pass their CIS exam at first sitting especially the level 2 exam. So if you passed all the papers you wrote and it wasn’t  your first sitting be careful not to make the same mistake you made in the past by making sure that you put the same level of tenacity in your next diet exam. Most likely, you might be tempted to relax thinking that you are now a super hero, believe me, I am talking from experience; you have to be very careful.


  1. Those that passed & also failed some of the papers they sat for: this implies that if you can pass a paper, then you can pass other papers. So all you need to do is to adjust your study approach, like getting our comprehensive video lectures if you don’t have your copy and start preparing for your CIS September 2017 diet exam.


  1. Those who failed all the papers they sat for: failure means that there some things that you haven’t done well. After all Thomas Edison invented the light after 10,000 attempts just imagine that he had given up at the 9,999th attempt, what do you think would have become of him. So I strongly advise that you get up and start preparing for your CIS September 2017 diet exam because early preparation is the one key to your exam success.


  1. Those who didn’t write the exam: there are always various reasons not to write your exam maybe because of

– Fear of failing an exam:  please note that nobody is successful at everything they do. So put your fear aside and start preparing for your CIS September 2017diet exam.

– You don’t have money to get the right material and also to pay for the exam fee: then you have to find a way round your challenges just like how successful people usually do because it is very dangerous to be sitting on the fence in life without taking any action. So take your CIS exam very serious now and go out there to make money.

– Due to lack of time (busy schedule): that’s why we have comprehensive video lectures that contains all you need to pass your CIS exam and you can study at your convenience to suit your busy schedule including FREE support where you can ask the lecturer questions 24/7, have access to soft copy that you can print out and use as a note and past Q&A are also treated in the videos.

– The stock market is not encouraging: I agree with you that our stock market is down. However, opportunities and chance are not within your control but what within your control is your today’s preparation to maximize tomorrow’s opportunities.


To your exam success

Tayo Stephen ACS.


P.S. our FREE support forum will commence on the 12th of June 2017. So I strongly advise that you get our comprehensive videos now so that you won’t be left behind when the classes commence.




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