- You Can Start Part-Time job
If you’re in college or you’ve got a day-job, you can start a web development business on the side and build it part-time. While meeting with clients may present some scheduling challenges, you can work through those. The actual web development work can be done in the evenings and on the weekends.
- You Don’t Need An Office
If you need to meet with clients, meet at their office or at a local café. Maintaining an office is expensive and, in the early days, it’s money that can be better spent elsewhere. If a client asks where you are located or seems put off by your lack of an office, simply explain with confidence that you built your business to be mobile and that you’re able to get more done for your clients in less time by not having an office.
3. The Demand In The Market Is High
More businesses and organizations than ever before are turning to the web and looking for help to establish or improve their Internet presence. Along with the demand for service there is a tremendous demand for education. The amount of information being blasted at businesses is overwhelming and they put a high value on anyone that can help them filter through the noise and make intelligent decisions. That’s where you come in.
4. The Startup Cost Is Low
Your greatest initial expense is a computer and the one you already have will probably work just fine. Beyond that, a 30 to 60000 naira budget is easily enough to get you started. And your schedule can be flexible.
5. Building Websites Opens Doors To New Opportunities
As you put your best into your work, you’re going to learn about clients and their businesses. Along the way, you may discover opportunities to meet a need that hasn’t yet been met. Keep your eyes and ears open. Many now successful app development companies started out doing web development for clients and, along the way, recognized an opportunity to build a service that now reaches a much wider audience.
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