Don't Leave Your Success To Chance Because Your Success is in Your Hands.Take Action Now!!!

- We provide quality video lectures for CIS exams.
- We have developed a cutting edge technology to enhanced your success at the CIS exams. We call it E-Class (video lectures).
- It is a learning alternative to physical classroom. E-Class (an E-Learning platform). They are recorded videos of CIS, lectures based on the exams syllabus.
Here are some of the benefits you will get after getting our videos
- More than 40 hours of comprehensive videos lectures
- You can study at your convenient tine to suit your busy schedule
- The soft copy will be available that you can use as a note.
- Our lecturer will be available 24/7 on our free support forum for any clarification relating to the exam.
- You will be getting free tips on to pass your exam on a weekly basis
- You will have access to our FREE weekly comprehensive exam likely questions that might come out in. your exam. Including Mid diet and end diet mock questions. Please note only our exclusive members who have the activated video will have access to the solution.
- Free intensive online classes 3 weeks before the exam and join the class anywhere in the world even on your mobile phone
- Specific 1 hours live discussion on the forum with lecturer and all the students
- You will be chance to interact with other students and also learn from other students questions in our online forum
Here What Some of our Students have to say
On 2016-10-28 11:59, andrew onyilokwu wrote:
Hi Great Guys in Starry Gold,
I bought your video lecture materials for CIS Level 2 in December 2015 when I was preparing for the March 2016 Diet. I found the materials a big revolution in learning as it afforded me the opportunity to arrange my studies around my schedule. I sat for all the papers in Level 2 in March 2016 and passed 2 papers. (I later discovered that people hardly sit for all the papers at a time). I sat for the remaining 2 papers in September 2016 and to the Glory of God I made them. It would have taken me several years to achieve the same result if not for your very innovative product. I have been recommending your materials to friends and will continue to do so.
I am based in Abuja, but I hope to personally come to your office in Lagos one of these days when I come to Lagos.
God bless you and keep it up.
Good morning,
Am so excited! I passed CIS Level 1 paper 2. Your video lecture is the best. I need to
prepare for the next level. Pls how much will CIS paper 1 and 4 cost me GOD bless
uuuuu all.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
“I got a very good mark in the CIS 1.4 I did, thanks as I believe the little I read/listened/watched on your Video lectures was part of the success story. If my schedule will make me available, I hope to prepare and write other papers in level one soon. I have sent someone to buy the other stuffs for me, i.e 1.1/2.1, 1.2/2.2, 1.3/2.3”.
Dr. Adebayo from lekki
“Without receiving lecture, Starry Gold E-Learning/E-Class made me pass 2.1, 2.2 successfully. E-learning/e-class is the key to CIS exam success. Starry Gold Academy, you guys are wonderful.”
Moyo from Lagos
Suit D2, Alhaja Humani Abiola Memorial Shopping
Mall 62/82 Kudirat Abiola Way (Oregun Road), Opp.
Opebi Link Brigde Welfare B/Stop, Oregun, Ikeja,
Phone number: call or WhatsApp
0802-342-8420, 0807-145-6954
info @starrygo ldacademy .com
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To be sincere with you, it's not easy writing CIS exams and working at the same time. The stress is usually too much. However, I am impressed with your innovation by leverage on technology (video lecture) to help students study at their convenience which helped me passed CIS Level 2 Paper 1 and 4.
I have qualified just that the stock market is down.
I just want to tell you that I passed CIS Paper 3 at first sitting with the help of your video lecture and other free support that are available like me asking the lecturer questions when stocked in any topic. I am pleased that the lecturers are always willing to put me through because I really disturbed them a lot.
Enter you Details to get access to our free report !

“I visited Starry Gold Office in Oregun from Port-Harcourt where I work to purchase the E-Learning External Drive for CIS Level 2 last sat for in Level2. This is a great job. I want to advise the Academy to improve on it and also the Discussion Group is also fantastic idea. We want more of this.”
Ebenezer from Port-Harcourt
Thank you.
I recently became a Graduate Member of the CIS. I must say that your CIS paper 2.3 soft copy note was very helpful in passing my final exam. Keep up the good work.
I am happy that I passed CIS paper 3 and 4. Nigeria economy must get out of recession so that I can start making money in the stock market.