We take pride in delivering world-class service to all of our customers. Hear what some of our students have to say:
If not for Starry Gold, I would have given up. I am happy that I followed the weekly advised which I then joined the Whatsapp group where I was able to ask the lecturers questions. SFM lecturer, I am sorry that I really disturbed you a lot and I like your patience. I am now a chartered accountant. Starry Gold thanks also that you came to the induction ceremony to celebrate with us and I really appreciate the special gift you gave us. I will advertise your video lecture to all world.
Mbah Fatimah
To be sincere with you, it's not easy writing ICAN exams and working at the same time. The stress is usually too much. However, I am impressed with your innovation by leverage on technology (video lecture) to help students study at their convenience which helped me pass MGE and PSAF. I am now in the professional Level
Anyanwu B
Hello Starry Gold, I just want to inform you that I used only your video lectures and I passed QT, MI, FA and bus law at one sitting. I am now in skills level.
E. W
Thanks to the ifrs materials,I was able to meet up with acca dip IFR syllabus and my result just came out and I passed!!!
It was not easy combining work with lectures so I had to opt for the video lectures which I must confess,it helped me a lot to cover up as I was able to watch it everywhere I was going especially after work and during breaks
I would like you to revise some of the standards especially finacial instrument.
Thank God as I have added another qualification to my ACA
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Oladipo F. Eyitayo. ACA, ACT,CISA
From: Eyitayo Oladipo <e.t.....@live.co.uk>
Date: Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 12:55 AM
To: info@starrygoldacademy.com
A colleague in my office introduce me to starry gold academic material around August 2013. He called it “success music”. Then, I was just preparing to write my first diet of CITN exam. However, my schedule was so clumsy at my work place and it seemed almost impossible to read after office hour. I bought CITN e-class video lectures and listen to it just like my normal fancy music. I passed all my exams and qualified with the April 2015 diet.
I had an impetus from rate of my success in CITN using starry Gold Academy e-class video. So, I decided to re-sit CISA June 2015 diet using CISA e-class video. Guess what? I passed my CISA.
I am grateful to God but I will always remember starry Gold Academy for their unique solutions.
Tax Audit Unit, Federal Inland Revenue Service (NCR)
Starry Gold, I passed Corporate Reporting with the help of your video lecture. No Retreat, No Surrender!! cos I am ready for next diet.
Momodu J
The nature of job is giving me a lot of headache because I hardly get time to read and chance to attend class. Thank God that used your video lectures and I passed Financial Reporting and MGE. It is well not to give up.
Hassan A
Hello Starry Gold, if not for your comprehensive videos, I am sure that I wouldn’t have passed PSAF, MGE, FR and PM at one sitting after failing two consecutive diet. Kudos to you
Dike J
I bought your CITN PE1 four papers. I passed 3 papers and I had reference for one paper. I have sat for the reference and have passed. I want to order for the PE2. Your materials are very good and concise and also very useful for those of us who don't have tuition centres in our vicinity.
I passed MGE with the help of the video lectures. I am coming to your office by next week to get the videos for the professional level
Tolulope. A
I scored 70% in FR. Thanks so much. I am ready for next diet exams
Ugp I
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With the help of the video lecture I am sure that I will finish ICAN exams within 2 years. However, this diet I passed Financial Accounting and Management Information
U. F
After failing ICAN exams 3 times then I taught of giving up because there is no lecturer center here in Yola. However, with the help of the video lectures, I am happy to tell you that I am now a Chartered accountant
D. S,
The lecturer are superb. Just imagine, Financial Reporting I scored 70 while PSAF I scored 62 only with your video lecture and God grace
I wrote SFM twice and failed before coming across your video lectures and it really help. The videos are very clear and the workings were easy to follow. In short, I pass the SFM and qualified.
I bought your E-Class Video Lectures for my wife who just joined me in London. Bearing in mind that there is no lecture centre for ICAN in London, she used the Video lectures and sat for AAA and SFM in PE2 (the two papers she had outstanding). She passed and qualified as a Chartered Accountant. I want to order for your ACCA package as I want her to sit for the ACCA exams. Keep up the good work
I bought one paper of PE1 CITN because I was skeptical of the Video Lectures as I haven’t seen anything like it before. After using it, I realised that I should have placed order for all the papers at once. Please process my order the remaining 3 papers. My colleagues also like it and wants to get their own copy.
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I have received the E-Class for ICAN FA of PE1 video lectures in flash drive which I ordered. The product is excellent. I will place order for the rest by next week. Thanks.
Thank you. I got the flash and I'm making use of it. I think I'm really enjoying it. Kudos to you and your team.
I like the way people commend your video lecture product. I am interested in getting the lectures for ICAN PE1.
I recently became a Graduate Member of the CIS. I must say that your CIS paper 2.3 soft copy note was very helpful in passing my final exam. Keep up the good work.
Hello PCs,
The feedback below was sent by a member of this forum who order for our COMPREHENSIVE IFRS VIDEO LECTURES. His name has been hidden since I have not gotten his permission to disclose his identity. Please go ahead and place your order even if you have gone for the physical training.
Hi Tayo,
Compliments of the year.
This is to inform you of my success in the December 2013 ICAN IFRS CERTIFICATION EXAMS.
I appreciate the immense contributions my usage of your Starrygold Academy IFRS VIDEO Lectures made towards my success.
Even though I attended ICAN training and had other materials but being a very busy executive with attendant time constraints, your video materials were very invaluable. Please keep up the good work!
However, if you permit me, I suggest you make the video more interactive by displaying the lecturers as is obtainable in YouTube and other video lecture series.
Once more keep the flag flying at Starrygold Academy.
Meanwhile, I'm also interested in acquiring your CISA Video tutorials. Kindly avail me the cost including courier to my office in Anambra State.
Warm regards,
My reply is as stated below:
Hello Mr. ............,
Congratulation on your success of the ICAN IFRS CERTIFICATE EXAM and thank you for your feedback and encouragement.
The reason who did not include the faces of the lecturers in the videos was because that will increase the size of the videos and hence the cost. Low cost and high qualify videos was our objective so that so many Chartered Accountants who are not able to afford the cost of the physical training will not be denied the opportunity to improve their IFRS skill. Even those who could afford the high price physical trainings but are press for time will also not be left behind.
Your testimony and that of so many others are pointers to the quality of the material.
Once again, thank you
The price for the CISA videos is N25,000 and courier delivery to Anambra State and to your door step is N2700.
You can pay to our
GTB Acct : 0011952537 Ikosi Branch
Access Bank 0057760502 Oregun Branch
: Starry Gold Academy account.
After payment, please text your full name, address, what you are buying and email to 08023428420 so we can process your delivery.
I guarantee that you will like it and it will aid your success in the exam.
Expecting your order.
Tayo Stephen ACA 11205, ACIT 4063
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My dear bros and sisters, I wrote ICAN from Nov 2002 to Nov 2015. I never missed a diet: Total number of diet written 27 diets. Today I tell you I have qualified: Got to a point a chartered accountant was brought to head me after 7 years of heading the department for coy profile reasons. In fact, I was humiliated; however, now that I have qualified I have planned to resign after induction. Thanks Starry Gold, you guys are great!!!! E-Learning is the solution because I have tried other means and it didn’t work. Starry Gold is the option and reliable answer.
ACA Ochulor Marizu
-------- Original Message --------
Marcellus Newly Qualified Chartered Accountant (ACA)
Subject: Thank you
Date: 2015-07-14 09:44
From: Marcellus Ati <marc...@yahoo.com>
To: Starry Gold Academy <info@starrygoldacademy.com>
Management and staff of Starry Gold Academy,
I write to say a very big thank you for assisting me to qualify as a Chartered Accountant. I came to your office two diets ago and purchased your materials (flashes) for Case Study and SFM. I had written SFM for 5 times before this time. That same diet, I was able to pass Case Study to my greatest surprise after been drilled by your materials. Last diet, I wrote SFM still with the assistance of your materials, the result came out last week. Am glad to inform you that you are opportuned to presently reading a mail from a newly qualified digital Chartered Accountant waiting induction.
I really appreciate all your efforts especially the Lecturers in charge of Case Study and SFM. They were able to tolerate my every minutes calls for questioning and clarifications.
I hope to see you guys while in Lagos for my induction.
Again, thank you and God bless!
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I used your video lectures and I passed Corporate Reporting. However, I have qualified while I will tell people to get your video lectures because it easier to study with it. Thanks. .
Chioma N
Starry Gold, I passed FR. Thanks
Njoku I
Starry Gold guess what!!! I got 74% in Taxation and 66% in AA just by using the Comprehensive video lecture. I wonder why I have been wasting my precious time and money going to physical classes that is no longer efficient
Michael C
Thanks so much. I just want to inform you that I passed FR, PSAF and TAX. Starry Gold is the best
J. O
I am grateful that one of colleague introduced me to starry gold because there is no lecture center here. I only bought your video lecture and I passed PSAF & FR
T. I
May Allah continue to bless Starry Gold. I passed Management Information. I am in skills level
Muhammad R
Without attending any physical classes I passed my Management Information exams
H. Iyabo
I passed Business Law. Thanks
I. M.
Thanks starry gold. I am happy to tell you that I passed SFM and CR and I have qualified
I. M.
I got to know about Starry Gold from ICAN website and also met some people distributing your fliers at Ojota bus stop about 7 weeks to the exam. I bought the E-Lecture flash drive for Taxation & BCRM, though it was my first time of using it, but I found out it was very easy to use and understand. The instructor spoke with clarity and treated questions you can refer to as "all in one" which are areas usually tested by examiners. E.g. A question on taxation that treated commencement, change of accounting date, ceasation. I enjoyed it because I could easily play it over and over until I understood the topic which is not possible in a class face to face lecture. I thank God for ordering my steps to come in contact with the material, enabled me to assimilate the lectures and gave me victory to pass the exams. Before now, I has attempted it about 4 times but now I have moved to the next level
Without receiving lecture, Starry Gold E-Learning/E-Class made me pass 2.1, 2.2 successfully. E-learning/e-class is the key to CIS exam success. Starry Gold Academy, you guys are wonderful.
I visited Starry Gold Office in Oregun from Port-Harcourt where I work to purchase the E-Learning External Drive for CIS Level 2 last sat for in Level2. This is a great job. I want to advise the Academy to improve on it and also the Discussion Group is also fantastic idea. We want more of this.”
Your E-Class is great. I passed my exams in the CIS exam with the video lectures. Its a great product.
An engineering graduate."]“I passed my Financial Accounting by using your E-Class. The support you gave me is exceptional. Thanks.
I got a very good mark in the CIS 1.4 I did, thanks as I believe the little I read/listened/watched on your Video lectures was part of the success story. If my schedule will make me available, I hope to prepare and write other papers in level one soon. I have sent someone to buy the other stuffs for me, i.e 1.1/2.1, 1.2/2.2, 1.3/2.3.
Dr. Adebayo
I bought your E-Learning material for PE1 - FA and I'm very impressed! Its very good
To God be the glory. I used your video leccture for PE1 and I passed. God is really using you to help those of us here since lecture centres is scarce here. Please I want to place order for your PE2
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I am proud to be associated with Starry Gold Academy. From last year 2012 when I bought Video lecture for AAA, although not directly from Starry Gold. When I bought video lecture for all papers in PE2 this year for last diet (November), though as a complement to other detail materials; I found them more beneficial, infact details than what I thought and inspiring. Inspiring in the sense that you have zeal to always glue to your pc for lecture. It's interesting, inculcating, instilling with impressive enthusiasm.
Unfortunately, I couldn't sit for the diet. I paid for exams, prepared seriously like this would be the last ICAN exams that will be conducted; As God wanted it, indeed really heartbreaking, saddening and intensely demoralized; I accepted the fate.
I had impromptu and unavoidable official assignment in Washington DC, between 11th and 22nd November. I tried manoeuvre my way to return to the country on the 19th by 5.30am so as to be able to attend the exams. Unfortunately, I missed the flight narrowly. To be able to make the journey, I have to connect through Heathrow, London to Abuja. Unfortunately again, I didn't get to Nigeria until about 4.15pm of 20th.
Just now, I was reading, again, through your inspirational advice below and I wept. Why? Not because of my inability to meet up to do the exams but your commitment to success of everybody. I imagine what and how sweet education would have been if every tutor is halvely committed as much as you do.
When I was studying through the video lecture, when I was listening to your real time Internet revision, and your persistent sms and emails; I wondered if what I paid for the video lecture material is commensurate with what I was (am) enjoying.
I missed last diet but my preparation continues.
Permit me to commend you guys for jobs well done. There's a popular saying in "Yoruba" that who ever points a finger to another person, the remaining 4 or 9 fingers remain with him/her. Meaning that, your goodness shall continue to bear you goodness and the best of life.
Thank you guys for your advice and tutoring.
Meet you very soon at the top.