4 Questions to Ask Yourself before Giving Up on Your CIS Career Dreams

In the previous article, I gave one question to ask yourself before giving up on your CIS career dreams, so today, I will be giving you three questions to ask yourself before you make that decision of giving up on your CIS career dreams

2. Is the reason I really want to quit pursuing this goal worth it?

Often the primary reason to why you want to abandon this project is because you are afraid it will be another wasting of your time and resources all over again.
Because you are afraid you are going to fail again
But if you don’t keep going, you will never know how far you could have gone
And you will miss out on being the person you would have become.

3. Am I acting on impulse or emotion instead of thinking things through?

Sometimes our emotions give us hints about what we want and what we should do,
But other times, they are just responses to stress, and maybe even indications we are on the right track.
If you act on that moment of intense emotion; be it anger, fear, or frustration,
You may regret it once the wave has passed.
So sit back, take note of what you are feeling
Feel it fully, without judging it or yourself.
Then act when you have gotten to the other side.
Then at least you will know you made the decision in a moment of peace and clarity
Which I know definitely would not be you quitting.

4. How much have I already put in?

How much have you invested?
How much money and time have you devoted to becoming chartered?
How many sacrifices have you made?
Are you really willing to chalk it all up as a loss Just because you are not feeling confident in your abilities?
What about the career opportunities that accompanies it?
Are you ready to take that risk to regret later?
I guess not…
Because as the saying goes; the pain of discipline is always better than the pain of regret.
Let me conclude by asking you this question;
Assuming your best friend was in your shoes, would you advise him or her to give up because he can’t possibly reach his goals?
I also guess not…
I guess you would practice your finest motivational speech and help him see what a great potential you see in him or her.
Unless you are secretly a “frenemy” who hopes he fails in life
The truth is that you would push him to his best…
So why not push yourself?
It may sound tacky, but you need to be your own best friend,
More than anyone one else in the world,
Deserve your own believe and motivation.
If after asking yourself all these questions and still feel determined about your decision to give up,
Then good luck to abandoning your dreams goal of becoming a stockbroker.
But if you don’t…
If there is some lingering doubt, then keep working towards that dream that you know will elevate your career and give you that self-fulfillment.

P.S. Take a different approach if you need to, but whatever you do, don’t give yourself a reason to one day tell yourself, “I quit because it was too challenging for me and scared because I believed it was beyond me.
Because you might regret it later in life, and if you’re delaying it, you’ll question yourself why didn’t you do it sooner?

You are better off a Chartered Stock-broker.

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