7 Tips for Passing Calculation Courses (part 2)

This is a continuation from my previous article, read it here……..

4. Understand your Doubts

Sometimes you can get stuck trying to solve part of a question and find it difficult to move on to the next stage. It’s common for many students to skip this question and continue on to the next.

You should avoid doing this and instead spend time trying to understand the process of solving the problem. Once you have grasped an understanding of the initial problem, you can use this as a stepping stone to progress to the remainder of the question.

Remember: calculation courses require time and patience to master.

It is a good idea to study with a friend who you can consult with and bounce ideas off when trying to solve complex problems.

5. Create a Distraction Free Study Environment

A proper study environment and a distraction free area could be the determining factor when solving complex equations or problems.
Some people belief studying with music can help create a relaxing atmosphere and stimulate the flow of information, you may want to try having suitable background music (just instrumental without the voice) to foster an environment of maximum concentration.

6. Create a Dictionary

Some CIS subjects have specific terminology with a lot of vocabulary.

I suggest you create Notes with all the concepts, terminology and definitions you need to know. You should include their meanings, some key points and even some sample answers so you can consult them at any time and recap.

7. Apply the calculations to Real World Problems
As much as possible, try to apply real-world problems when approaching calculations. Looking for a practical application can help change your perspective and assimilate ideas differently.

Budgeting, for example, can be used in everyday life to predict the outcome of spending and determine whether it’s going to be deficit or excess…

Oh and don’t forget that it’s also important to have confidence in yourself and face the exam knowing that you have prepared properly!

P.S: To crown it up, making use of Starry Gold Academy Video lectures will increase your visualization capacity and the ability to retain andrecall what you have learnt.

If you don’t have a the video lecture and the revision question and answer yet,
Call Starry Gold Academy on 07086810335, 08023428420, 08085378906 OR 08123189141 to get your

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