Danger Of Cramming For ATS Exams

Just as a reminder, it is just 14 days to this Diet ATS exams.
Cramming for exams like ATS exams won’t help you learn deeply.
You will have forgotten most of what you crammed within a week.
Research shows we overestimate our ability to remember information and
underestimate the importance of actively studying.
We underestimate our need to learn and relearn information to be
able to recall it when we need it.
As an article put it, cramming is like jam-packing your brain,
Hurriedly jam-packing your brain is similar to speed-packing a cheap suitcase,
it holds its new load for a while, then most everything falls out.
If you’re feeling anxious, it might be better to put the books down and
not attempt to cram. Cramming can clog working memory and that can
result in ‘brain overload’, making you feel overwhelmed.
Information is more likely to be retained by your brain if you put it in
there slowly over time.
Cramming is not the best to pass ATS exam, though it’s often hard to break this bad habit.
Take some time to think about what it is that you find unpleasant about studying.
Think about what you could do to motivate you to study.
Finally, adopt effective learning strategies.
Create explanations for what you learn, rather than just passively absorbing them.
P.S Getting over cramming isn’t easy. But if you make small changes to
your habits now, you can avoid the pain, stress and fear of failure that looms during exam time.
We have developed an effective learning strategy that guarantee your success for ATS exams,
It is called 30 Days ATS Exam Success Blueprint,
It is FREE, kindly request for it;
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