How To Crush Procrastination And Start Preparation For ICAN Exam Now

Procrastination leads to stress and anxiety. Imagine it’s three weeks before your ICAN exams, and you suddenly realize you haven’t started preparing yet. Panic sets in as you scramble to cover a mountain of material in a short amount of time.

Late-night study sessions become the norm, and the pressure to catch up becomes overwhelming. As the days pass, exhaustion takes its toll, and your performance begins to suffer. The stress and anxiety intensify, affecting your sleep and overall well-being.

This is a situation that you find yourself in when you delay your preparation. Procrastination can result in a last-minute rush that not only hampers your ability to grasp complex concepts but also jeopardizes your mental and physical health.

By starting your preparation early, you distribute the workload over a more manageable timeframe. This not only reduces the risk of burnout but also allows you to maintain a healthy study-life balance.

If you don’t have a specific date you want to start ICAN exam preparation, you might eventually not start preparing until it is a few weeks before the Exam.

If you want to start preparation right now, join our ICAN Exam Study Challenge

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