If you missed the last diet ICAN exam, you probably will miss the next diet exam…

This is not a prophecy nor a curse, it is a reality based on fact.

For over thirteen years, I have observed a common thread with ICAN exams, when you miss a diet exam, it’s almost certain that you might miss the next diet exam if you don’t deliberately plan and act.
I understand the challenges you face as a busy working-class individual, workload and family responsibilities could be overwhelming. Sometimes you are denied exam leave, which could prevent you from writing the ICAN exam for that diet.

The big question is, how will you break this pattern to make sure you write the next diet ICAN exam?

To answer the question, kindly do the following;
List out the reasons why you missed the last diet exam;
No exam leave, late preparation, no time, I was very busy, I don’t have money, etc.

Let’s start with ‘ I WAS VERY BUSY’
It’s not your fault that you are very busy……….. atleast, man must survive na!
But don’t forget that you are not the only busy person who is writing ICAN exam and you probably won’t be less busy any time soon.

The solution……

You have at least five months from June to November to prepare for ICAN exam, it sounds like enough time right?…..
But, it is actually not enough time.

If you don’t work on Saturday and Sunday, then you have approximately just 20 Saturdays and Sundays only.
You can finish the ICAN syllabus for at least two ICAN courses and also solve a lot of past questions if you start preparation right NOW.

If you don’t go to work on Sunday only, then you have approximately just 20 Sundays only.

You can finish the ICAN syllabus for at least two ICAN courses and also solve a lot of past questions if you start preparation right NOW.

If you want to avoid the last-minute agitation that could make you miss the next diet ICAN exam and want to embrace a strategic approach to ensure a stress-free ICAN exam preparation,

Request for our ICAN Video lectures, 30 Days ICAN Exam Study Guide, and the Solution to 15 diets ICAN exam past questions.

P.S: Embrace this roadmap to success for busy working class person like you, and you’ll be well on your way to conquering the ICAN November Diet Exam. Remember, success favors the prepared.

Call Starry Gold Academy on, 08023428420, 07086810335, or 08123189141

Or click here to chat with the admin on Telegram https://t.me/starrygoldacademy

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