Now That The Christmas Party Has Ended

Everyone is back to January ‘the longest month of the year’
and everyone is saying ‘no money o’

The ‘no money’ really hits us (parents) the most because
you have to keep the family running and you must
pay bills like house rent, school fees, school bags text book and all.

In all these, you are trying to cut cost and only pay
attention to the important things.
But the truth is you ‘cannot come and kill yourself’,
you just have to pay attention to things that are most important,
cut cost and take it one step at a time.

If you need to pay your rent you can pay half or quarter first
If you need to pay your child’s school fees you can pay half and the rest later
If your children needs to get new school uniform ,shoes or bag
they can still wear the old for now.

As long as they look healthy and they eat well, everything will be fine
if you need to get an evening tutor for child and you can’t afford it yet
all hope is not gone.

Your children can still study well and easily through the WAEC video lecture.
This video lecture will help them understand better and
make their studies stick.
Your children will be the best student and
their education won’t suffer because of the ‘no money in January’.

So instead of being worried that there is no money for
lesson every month, you can try a video lecture

P.S:“There is a great difference between worry and concern. A worried person sees a problem, and a concerned person solves a problem.”– Harold Stephen

So you don’t need to worry, you just need to do something that saves the situation- that’s the key.

Need WAEC/NECO/GCE Video Lectures (Inclusive of Question and Answer) to make learning easier for
your child?

Call Starry Gold Academy on, 07038174484, 08023428420, 08085378906, 08123189141, ,08074460975, 09076786154, 07086810335

Or click here to chat with admin on Telegram https://t.me/starrygoldacademy

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