Reasons Your Child Seems Lazy and Unmotivated to study (And What You Can Do About it)

Have ever look at your child and wonder
“why is it that this child so lazy and
unmotivated to do anything especially school work?”

This can be very frustrating
you just feel that the child is the problem and
you focus your energy on that child changing
and not what is really causing the problem.

if you feel a little bit confuse,
let me share with you what you can do
about it.

As an educationist, I have discovered
that the problem with most children and teenager
is they feel unmotivated to read.
But if you make the problem all about them
and not seeking to know the problem and
why they act the way they act,
they will continue to throw anger and be more difficult

This is how you can go about it
Let your child know that you care about
who he or she is as a person

Connect with your child over things
that interests him or her (this works a lot)
and then bring up the conversation about the problem
and how you can both find solution to it
Discuss their favourite hobbies with them

This will help your child to understand that
while he or she may be struggling, you’ll be there the entire way.
And this feeling will actually motivate your child
to do better in their education

It very important for you to understand your child
and how you can help them to do better in their education
and reach their fullest potential. You can also introduce
new educational material that will help your child learn
fun, faster and easier like video tutorials.

Need our WAEC/NECO/GCE video tutorial (including 10 over years past questions and answers)
Click on the link below to get the details on how to get the video tutorial now.

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