Kick Start Your Accounting Career with ATSWA

This information could be the life saver for you, your child or someone you know.
Mastery in any career is better achieved if we start early in life, the ICAN exam is no exception to this rule, the FOUNDATION of being a Chartered Accountant. is better and quicker to achieve with ATS as foundation.

Few years ago Olajuwon Ezekiel, 21 years old, graduated with a Cumulative Grade Point Average of 4.88 from the Landmark University Omu Aran Kwara State and same year became a certified member of both Institute of Chartered Accountant of Nigeria (ICAN) and Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA).

Thus, Ezekiel, a graduate of Accounting and Finance emerged the university’s valedictorian at the 2017 convocation. Olajuwon who hails from Osun State explains his road to academic success.

He said when he was in secondary school, he found it difficult to choose between Commercial Class and Sciences. According to him, while his father preferred sciences because of his desire for him to become a medical doctor, Ezekiel had interest in business. Though his father had a flair for sciences, Ezekiel disclosed that he never forced him to read sciences, but encouraged him to do commercial courses.

Today, I’m grateful I did not regret that decision,’’ he said.

Stressing the extent to which Accounting appeals to him, he noted that Accounting is a course he loves , adding that Accounting is seen as a language in business. He pointed out that in future, he hopes to acquire knowledge in other areas relevant to business such as Business Law.

Asked how he coped with combining school and professional exams, he said: ‘’It’s all about setting ones’ priority right! For instance, since my 100-Level I got engaged in professional exams. I started from Accounting Technicians Scheme West Africa (ATS), then to ICAN (Institute of Chartered Accountant of Nigeria) and then ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants).

Really, it was demanding; but if you love what you do, it is all about- this is what I want to do and I must give my best to it.”

But don’t you think that combining ATS exams and academy work will be stressful for students? The solution is simple: use video lectures for your ATS exam preparation.
With our comprehensive video lectures, it makes it easier for students to combine their Academics and develop their accounting career at the same time.

PS. Help that child (your child, neighbor, friend, church member, family friend etc.) to kick start his/her accounting career from high school/university……. This could be one of the greatest investments in their career.

Join our FREE ATS class now, click here to join

To get our ATS Comprehensive Video lectures,

Call Starry Gold Academy on; 07086810335, 08023428420, OR 08123189141

Or click here to chat with admin on Telegram

Starry Gold Academy

No 1 Tuition center with the highest exam pass rate at one sitting for professional exams in Nigeria.

Never Give Excuse Why You Can’t Write This September Diet

Nothing in this life is done without taking DELIBERATE action.
If you really want to do something like writing and passing this May diet, you’ll find a way.
If you don’t, you’ll definitely find an EXCUSE.
Where there is a WILL, there is always a WAY.

We generate fear while we do nothing,
we overcome these fears by taking action.
Every morning you have two choices: continue to sleep with your dreams,
or wake up and chase them.
Remember that a river cuts through rock
not because of its power but because of its PERSISTENCE.

You just have to PASS this diet CIS Exam.
Don’t skip this diet, start preparation right NOW.
Take advantage of our video lectures so that you can finish the syllabus before the exam.

To get the CIS offline video lectures and over 12 diets past questions and answers

Click here to chat with admin on Telegram
Call Starry Gold Academy on; 08023428420, 07086810335, 08123189141

Our Offline Video Tutorials:
ICAN, ATS, CITN, CIS, IFRS, JAMB, WAEC, GCE, NECO, Junior WAEC, SAGE 50, SAGE Evolution, Excel (Basic & Advance), QuickBooks, Project Management and others.

Starry Gold Academy
Number 1 tuition center with the highest exam pass rate at ONE SITTING.

Have You Failed CITN Exams Before? ………. Try This Exam Success Habit

If you have failed CITN before, the feeling could be so devastating and sometimes, we just give up.

The experience of failure has taught me that, success is just a step away if we try, but when we refuse to try, that is when we actually failed.

According to Thomas A. Edison; many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

When you decide to give CITN exam a try, sometimes your mind just keeps asking you that, what if you fail this diet exam again?

My answer for you is, what if you pass this diet exam?

What you need now is to develop a new success habit;

  • Stop thinking of your past failure and start visualizing that you will pass.

Don’t think of your past failure as failure, think of it as time-released success –Robert Orben.

Don’t worry about failures, worry about the chances you miss when you don’t even try. –Jack Canfield.

  • Start seeing failure as just an event that happened to you, so never see yourself as a failure.
    Winners are not afraid of losing. But losers are.

Failure is part of the process of success. People who avoid failure also avoid success.– Robert T. Kiyosaki

Failure is simply an opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently. Henry Ford

  • Find out what other students are doing to pass CITN exams, and then do the same.

If you are really ready to pass this diet, just do what other successful students are doing.

  • Join FREE online Telegram class, save yourself the stress of attending physical class.
    Click here to join our FREE CITN telegram class

CITN telegram class

  • Use Video lecture, save yourself the stress of using voluminous text books. You are writing CITN exams to pass not for research.

Ready to start CITN exam preparation NOW?

Get CITN Video Lectures, Past Questions and 30 Days CITN Exam Success Blueprint.

Call Starry Gold Academy on; 07086810335, 08023428420, 08123189141

citn #citnexams #citnvideolectures #citn2024 #citnvideo #charteredaccountants #accounting

Feeling Stuck Because You Missed Last Diet ICAN Exam?

If you have ever felt held back by circumstances beyond your control, like being unable to write your last diet ICAN exam because your exam leave was denied, then you can replicate what our student did to overcome such a situation.

Two diets ago, one of our students sent me this message via email “I was not granted exam leave, so I couldn’t write the last diet ICAN exam and I’m not sure if I will be granted exam leave this diet but I really want to write ICAN exam”
This is the solution I gave her and it helped her to write the last diet ICAN exam without exam leave.

She started her preparation even before the release of ICAN results. Since she did not write the previous exam while waiting until the result is released before stating her preparation.
If you did not write the last diet exam and you have not started preparing for the next diet exam, you will likely waste one month from the limited time you have for exam preparation.

She planned her study for Saturday and Sunday only because of the very busy nature of her work on weekdays.

She studied for 5 hours on Saturday and 5 hours on Sunday for 5 months.

She covered the syllabus twice and solved a lot of past questions before the exam date.

In her words “This is the first time I’m writing ICAN exam without any form of exam pressure and I was very confident in the exam hall. It looks almost impossible to write ICAN exam without exam leave for a busy professional like me, but with your advice I made it”

P.S. Don’t let missed opportunities hold you back any longer!
If you weren’t granted the chance to write your last diet ICAN exam due to the lack of exam leave, now is your time to take control of your future and start preparing TODAY.
Remember, success favors the prepared. Begin your journey toward ICAN success right NOW!

Request for our ICAN Video lectures, 30 Days ICAN Exam Study Guide, and the Solution to 15 diets ICAN exam past questions.

Call Starry Gold Academy on, 08023428420, 07086810335, or, 08123189141
Or click here to chat with the admin on Telegram https:///starrygoldacademy

Starry Gold Academy
No 1 Tuition Center with the highest exam pass rate at one sitting for professional exams in Nigeria.

Our Offline Video Tutorials:
ICAN, ATS, CITN, CIS, IFRS, JAMB, WAEC, GCE, NECO, Junior WAEC, SAGE 50, SAGE Evolution, Excel (Basic & Advance), QuickBooks, Project Management, and others.

How To Calm Post ICAN Exam Stress

Congratulations on completion of your ICAN exams.
It was not easy, thank God you didn’t miss May Diet.

I wish you the very best as you await a favorable result.

After writing ICAN exams it feels like Freedom at last!! You just feel like taking vacation from all activities.

If you’re stressed out after taking ICAN exams, don’t worry

There are steps you can take to calm down, reduce your stress and get on with your life as you expect a favorable result.


On our ICAN Telegram platform, I saw a student saying that there was an error in one of the questions…….. You have already written the exams, nothing can be done about that, just pray for God’s favour.
Do not go home and start checking your textbooks for the correct answer to the exam questions. This will only increase tension and anxiety. You have written the exam, so put your mind at rest.

When I was in the hostel, back in the university, my roommate checked all the correct answers to the exam questions, he shouted “Mogbe oo ” that is, “I am finished ooo” and he fainted.
I guess he noticed that he didn’t do well.

But to our surprise, he passed that exam.

Why put yourself under unnecessary stress and tension? You have done your best, so leave the rest for God and the examiner.

I will continue in my next article.

If you did not write this diet, it is time to start preparing for next diet.

To get Updated ICAN Video Lectures,
Call Starry Gold Academy on 07086810335,08023428420, OR 08123189141

Or click here to chat with admin on Telegram

Click here to join our FREE ICAN Telegram Classes NOW

To your Success this diet
With LOVE from
Starry Gold Academy.

Number 1 tuition center with highest exam pass rate at ONE SITTING.

Our Offline Video Tutorials:
ICAN, ATS, CITN, CIS, IFRS, JAMB, WAEC, GCE, NECO, Junior WAEC, SAGE 50, SAGE Evolution, Excel (Basic & Advance), QuickBooks, Project Management and others.

Is In-Depth Knowledge Of IFRS A Must For Accountants?

Some of the question and arguments concerning IFRS are;

  • “Are you saying that, as an Accountant, I must write an ACCA Diploma in IFRS Exams?”
  • “IFRS knowledge is strictly for Accountant that works with multinational Accounting companies”
  • “Don’t confuse us, we are Chartered Accountants already, we already know about IFRS”
  • “I am still struggling to become a Chartered Accountant, I can’t kill myself abeg”
  • “Only certified ACCA personnel needs the knowledge of IFRS”

Well, there is no basis for argument.

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) has come to stay in Nigeria, it’s either you upgrade or be left behind.

The truth is that, if you belong to any of the categories below, then you need the knowledge and implementation of IFRS ;

  • Those who analyze Financial Statements.
  • Those who give Investment advice to clients.
  • Those who manage Investment Portfolios

for Local and Foreign Clients.

  • Those who just want to refresh their knowledge on IFRS.
  • Those who want to upgrade their IFRS skill and competence.
  • Those who plan to seat

for the IFRS (ACCA Certificate or Diploma) exams.

  • Those who prepare and sign Financial Statements.
  • Those who want to update their knowledge on IFRS.

P.S: Continuous learning is one of the keys to success in life.

Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow. ― Ronald E. Osborn

An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.― Benjamin Franklin

Need our IFRS Video Tutorial?

Call Starry Gold Academy on 08123189141,08023428420, 07086810335,

Starry Gold Academy
No 1 Tuition center with the highest exam pass rate at one sitting for professional exams in Nigeria.

Our Offline Video Tutorials:
ICAN, ATS, CITN, CIS, IFRS, JAMB, WAEC, GCE, NECO, Junior WAEC, SAGE 50, SAGE Evolution, Excel (Basic & Advance), QuickBooks, Project Management and others.

Recall 95% Of What You Study With ICAN Video Lectures

According to, the primary reason people learn well via video is that the human brain processes video 60,000 times faster than it does with textbooks.

A few weeks after reading, people will likely remember only 10% of textual content (textbooks), 65% of visual content, and 95% of audio-visual content.

This means that video content connects with people on a deeper level and does so significantly faster than text alone. Hence, Video Lecture enhances self-learning and engage your attention.

According to, after three days, you can retain only 10-20 percent of written or spoken information but almost sixty-five percent of visual (video) information, and visuals (Video) have been found to improve learning by up to 400 percent.

Want to try Video Lectures?

To get the ICAN offline video lectures,

click here to chat with admin on Telegram
Call / chat Call Starry Gold Academy on: 08023428420, 07086810335, 08123189141

Starry Gold Academy
No 1 Tuition center with the highest exam pass rate at one sitting for professional exams in Nigeria.

Our Offline Video Tutorials:
ICAN, ATS, CITN, CIS, IFRS, JAMB, WAEC, GCE, NECO, Junior WAEC, SAGE 50, SAGE Evolution, Excel (Basic & Advance), QuickBooks, Project Management and others.

Recall 95% Of What You Study With CITN Video Lectures

According to, the primary reason people learn well via video is that the human brain processes video 60,000 times faster than it does with textbooks.

A few weeks after reading, people will likely remember only 10% of textual content (textbooks), 65% of visual content, and 95% of audio-visual content.

This means that video content connects with people on a deeper level and does so significantly faster than text alone. Hence, Video Lecture enhances self-learning and engage your attention.

According to, after three days, you can retain only 10-20 percent of written or spoken information but almost sixty-five percent of visual (video) information, and visuals (Video) have been found to improve learning by up to 400 percent.

Want to try Video Lectures?

To get the CITN offline video lectures,

click here to chat with admin on Telegram
Call / chat Call Starry Gold Academy on: 08023428420, 07086810335, 08123189141

Starry Gold Academy
No 1 Tuition center with the highest exam pass rate at one sitting for professional exams in Nigeria.

Our Offline Video Tutorials:
ICAN, ATS, CITN, CIS, IFRS, JAMB, WAEC, GCE, NECO, Junior WAEC, SAGE 50, SAGE Evolution, Excel (Basic & Advance), QuickBooks, Project Management and others.

Recall 95% Of What You Study With ATS Video Lectures

According to, the primary reason people learn well via video is that the human brain processes video 60,000 times faster than it does with textbooks.

A few weeks after reading, people will likely remember only 10% of textual content (textbooks), 65% of visual content, and 95% of audio-visual content.

This means that video content connects with people on a deeper level and does so significantly faster than text alone. Hence, Video Lecture enhances self-learning and engage your attention.

According to, after three days, you can retain only 10-20 percent of written or spoken information but almost sixty-five percent of visual (video) information, and visuals (Video) have been found to improve learning by up to 400 percent.

Want to try Video Lectures?

To get the ATS offline video lectures,

click here to chat with admin on Telegram


Call / chat Call Starry Gold Academy on: 08023428420, 07086810335, 08123189141.

Starry Gold Academy

No 1 Tuition center with the highest exam pass rate at one sitting for professional exams in Nigeria.

Our Offline Video Tutorials:

ICAN, ATS, CITN, CIS, IFRS, JAMB, WAEC, GCE, NECO, Junior WAEC, SAGE 50, SAGE Evolution, Excel (Basic & Advance), QuickBooks, Project Management and others.

Congratulations On the Completion Of Your ICAN May. 2024 Diet Exams

Now you should be feeling so relieved after completing your ICAN exams.

Remember all the series of reading, the stress, anxiety, registration issue, fear, and even the docket printout issue, you still made it by writing the exam.
BRAVO TO YOU, you have done a GREAT job… or don’t you think so?

For your information, some students could not write this diet because of financial issues, tension, and other reasons best known to them, so you need to praise yourself and thank God.

This is not the time to start thinking about what you wrote or what you did not write, put your mind at rest and let God take care of the rest.

As you expect a favorable result, you will definitely get it….. Just be OPTIMISTIC.

Wishing you exam SUCCESS,
With LOVE from
Starry Gold Academy.

Click here to chat with the admin on Telegram

Click here to join our FREE ICAN Telegram Classes NOW

To get ICAN Video Lectures, 15 Diets Past Questions and Answers, and 30 day ICAN exam success blueprint that will help you cover the syllabus in 30 days.

Call Starry Gold Academy on; 08023428420, 07086810335, OR 08123189141
Or click here to chat with the admin on Telegram

Our Offline Video Tutorials:
ICAN, ATS, CITN, CIS, IFRS, JAMB, WAEC, GCE, NECO, Junior WAEC, SAGE 50, SAGE Evolution, Excel (Basic & Advance), QuickBooks, and others.

Starry Gold Academy
Number 1 tuition center with the highest exam pass rate at ONE SITTING.