18 Days To This Diet ICAN Exams… Don’t Let Your Mind Be Troubled, ICAN Exam Will “Come And Go”

I just can’t pay much attention to others things happening at home and in the office, even in church as I listen to the sermon, my mind was just fixed on ICAN exams.

It is not that I am actually scared, though sometimes I do feel scared and my heart rate will start beating faster for split seconds.

I guess it is natural to feel scared sometimes. I just have to pass and become a Chartered Accountant this diet so that be can be eligible for promotion in the office.

90% of what is on my mind now is ICAN exam and I am very optimistic that I will pass this diet.

You too can remain optimistic just like the story of one of our students. Don’t allow “little fear” to take away your courage. Just remain calm and be optimistic, this diet is your diet.

I’d love to get your response. Tell me how you feel about the coming examination and let’s learn from each other’s experience.

I’m waiting for your response…

P.S: Don’t stress. Do your best, and leave the rest for God.
The best view comes after the toughest climb.

Get ICAN Video Lectures, Solution to ICAN Past Questions and Solutions to ICAN study pack.

Call Starry Gold Academy on 08023428420, 07086810335, or 08123189141

Or click here to chat with admin on Telegram https://t.me/starrygoldacademy

You can join our FREE ICAN Telegram classes, click here to join,

Our Offline Video Tutorials:
ICAN, ATS, CITN, CIS, IFRS, JAMB, WAEC, GCE, NECO, Junior WAEC, SAGE 50, SAGE Evolution, Excel (Basic & Advance), QuickBooks, and others.

Starry Gold Academy
Number 1 tuition center with the highest exam pass rate at ONE SITTING.

Recall 95% Of What You Study With CIPM Video Lectures

According to PsychologyToday.com, the primary reason people learn well via video is that the human brain processes video 60,000 times faster than it does with textbooks.

A few weeks after reading, people will likely remember only 10% of textual content (textbooks), 65% of visual content, and 95% of audio-visual content.

This means that video content connects with people on a deeper level and does so significantly faster than text alone. Hence, Video Lecture enhances self-learning and engage your attention.

According to shiftelearning.com, after three days, you can retain only 10-20 percent of written or spoken information but almost sixty-five percent of visual (video) information, and visuals (Video) have been found to improve learning by up to 400 percent.

Want to try Video Lectures?

To get the CIPM offline video lectures,

click here to chat with admin on Telegram https://t.me/starrygoldacademy
Call / chat Call Starry Gold Academy on: 08023428420, 07086810335, 08123189141

Starry Gold Academy
No 1 Tuition center with the highest exam pass rate at one sitting for professional exams in Nigeria.

Our Offline Video Tutorials:
ICAN, ATS, CITN, CIS, IFRS, JAMB, WAEC, GCE, NECO, Junior WAEC, SAGE 50, SAGE Evolution, Excel (Basic & Advance), QuickBooks, Project Management and others.

Recall 95% Of What You Study With CIS Video Lectures

According to PsychologyToday.com, the primary reason people learn well via video is that the human brain processes video 60,000 times faster than it does with textbooks.

A few weeks after reading, people will likely remember only 10% of textual content (textbooks), 65% of visual content, and 95% of audio-visual content.

This means that video content connects with people on a deeper level and does so significantly faster than text alone. Hence, Video Lecture enhances self-learning and engage your attention.

According to shiftelearning.com, after three days, you can retain only 10-20 percent of written or spoken information but almost sixty-five percent of visual (video) information, and visuals (Video) have been found to improve learning by up to 400 percent.

Want to try Video Lectures?

To get the CIS offline video lectures,

click here to chat with admin on Telegram https://t.me/starrygoldacademy
Call / chat Call Starry Gold Academy on: 08023428420, 07086810335, 08123189141

Starry Gold Academy
No 1 Tuition center with the highest exam pass rate at one sitting for professional exams in Nigeria.

Our Offline Video Tutorials:
ICAN, ATS, CITN, CIS, IFRS, JAMB, WAEC, GCE, NECO, Junior WAEC, SAGE 50, SAGE Evolution, Excel (Basic & Advance), QuickBooks, Project Management and others.

CITN Video Lectures

According to Psychology Today, the primary reason people learn well via video is that the human brain processes video 60,000 times faster than it does with textbooks.
People are likely to remember only 10% of textual content (textbooks), 65% of visual content, but 95% of audio-visual content.

Hence, Video Lecture enhances self-learning and engages your attention throughout the study
To get the offline video lectures and over 14 diets past questions and answers

Click here to chat with admin on Telegram https://t.me/starrygoldacademy
Call Starry Gold Academy on; 08023428420, 07086810335, 08123189141

Starry Gold Academy
No 1 Tuition center with the highest exam pass rate at one sitting for professional exams in Nigeria.

Our Offline Video Tutorials:
ICAN, ATS, CITN, CIS, IFRS, JAMB, WAEC, GCE, NECO, Junior WAEC, SAGE 50, SAGE Evolution, Excel (Basic & Advance), QuickBooks, Project Management and others.

ICAN Video Lectures

According to Psychology Today, the primary reason people learn well via video is that the human brain processes video 60,000 times faster than it does with textbooks.
People are likely to remember only 10% of textual content (textbooks), 65% of visual content, but 95% of audio-visual content.

Hence, Video Lecture enhances self-learning and engages your attention throughout the study
To get the offline video lectures and over 14 diets past questions and answers

Click here to chat with admin on Telegram https://t.me/starrygoldacademy
Call Starry Gold Academy on; 08023428420, 07086810335, 08123189141

Starry Gold Academy
No 1 Tuition center with the highest exam pass rate at one sitting for professional exams in Nigeria.

Our Offline Video Tutorials:
ICAN, ATS, CITN, CIS, IFRS, JAMB, WAEC, GCE, NECO, Junior WAEC, SAGE 50, SAGE Evolution, Excel (Basic & Advance), QuickBooks, Project Management and other


If you want to add more to your Financial Accounting Career,
then you need an in-depth-knowledge of the IFRS

The understanding of the IFRS is not only for those
who plan to seat for the IFRS (ACCA Certificate or Diploma) exams,
it is for anyone who knows that knowledge is power and
plans to take advantage of that power.

IFRS is not only for people who work in multinational
companies but for anyone who understands the essence of value
even in the local business units.

The International Financial Reporting Standards are a set of
standards primarily based on some fundamental
principles of transparency, credibility, and consistency.
So that any organization or business unit that can
implement these standards has successfully
projected a credible outlook.

So if you have the knowledge of the IFRS, you will not only
know how to implement it for the benefit of your company,
but you will be able to tell which company is
credible enough to invest in and which is not.

This knowledge can be another tool in your hands for you to
begin to manage investment portfolios for clients-
in other words, you have become an investment manager.

And if you want, you can begin to offer advice to
clients on which company to invest in and which not-
in other words, you have become a consultant.

And for your own financial growth, you can determine
which business unit to invest in and which not.

PS: The world has gone beyond waiting for opportunities, nowadays, people create their own opportunities. You too can create your own opportunity by equipping yourself with the necessary knowledge

Need our IFRS Video Tutorial?

Call Starry Gold Academy on 08123189141, 08023428420, 07086810335 

Or click here to chat with admin on Telegram https://t.me/starrygoldacademy

Number 1 ICAN tuition center with highest exam pass rate at ONE SITTING.

Our Offline Video Tutorials:
ICAN, ATS, CITN, CIS, CISA, IFRS, JAMB, WAEC, GCE, NECO, Junior WAEC, SAGE 50, SAGE Evolution, Excel (Basic & Advance), QuickBooks and others.

4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Giving Up on Your CIS Career Dreams

In the previous article, I gave one question to ask yourself before giving up on your CIS career dreams, so today, I will be giving you three questions to ask yourself before you make that decision of giving up on your CIS career dreams

2. Is the reason I really want to quit pursuing this goal worth it?

Often the primary reason to why you want to abandon this project is because you are afraid it will be another wasting of your time and resources all over again.

Because you are afraid you are going to fail again

But if you don’t keep going, you will never know how far you could have gone

And you will miss out on being the person you would have become.

3. Am I acting on impulse or emotion instead of thinking things through?

Sometimes our emotions give us hints about what we want and what we should do,

But other times, they are just responses to stress, and maybe even indications we are on the right track.

If you act on that moment of intense emotion; be it anger, fear, or frustration,

You may regret it once the wave has passed.

So sit back, take note of what you are feeling

Feel it fully, without judging it or yourself.

Then act when you have gotten to the other side.

Then at least you will know you made the decision in a moment of peace and clarity

Which I know definitely would not be you quitting.

4. How much have I already put in?

How much have you invested?

How much money and time have you devoted to becoming chartered?

How many sacrifices have you made?

Are you really willing to chalk it all up as a loss Just because you are not feeling confident in your abilities?

What about the career opportunities that accompanies it?

Are you ready to take that risk to regret later?

I guess not…

Because as the saying goes; the pain of discipline is always better than the pain of regret.

Let me conclude by asking you this question;

Assuming your best friend was in your shoes, would you advise him or her to give up because he can’t possibly reach his goals?

I also guess not…

I guess you would practice your finest motivational speech and help him see what a great potential you see in him or her.

Unless you are secretly a “frenemy” who hopes he fails in life

The truth is that you would push him to his best…

So why not push yourself?

It may sound tacky, but you need to be your own best friend,

More than anyone one else in the world,

Deserve your own believe and motivation.

If after asking yourself all these questions and still feel determined about your decision to give up,

Then good luck to abandoning your dreams goal of becoming a stockbroker.

But if you don’t…

If there is some lingering doubt, then keep working towards that dream that you know will elevate your career and give you that self-fulfillment.

P.S. Take a different approach if you need to, but whatever you do, don’t give yourself a reason to one day tell yourself, “I quit because it was too challenging for me and scared because I believed it was beyond me.

Because you might regret it later in life, and if you’re delaying it, you’ll question yourself why didn’t you do it sooner?

You are better off a Chartered Stock-broker.

Place order for your CIS video lectures today by calling any of these numbers below.

Call Starry Gold Academy on; 08123189141, 08023428420, 08085378906 OR 07086810335

Or click here to chat with admin on Telegram https://t.me/starrygoldacademy

Starry Gold Academy

ATSWA…….The Fastest Route to Become a Chartered Accountant in Nigeria

Do you know that you can start your accounting career
immediately after you finished Secondary School?
But most commercial department students of secondary schools are not aware of this, according to a recent survey

If you start ATS after secondary school, you would have
become a Chartered Accountant before you graduate from the university.

This is how it works;
After your SSCE, in a year, you will finish ATS 1 the first diet and
ATS 2 the second diet because in a year there are two ATS diets.
The next year, you will finish ATS 3.

While in the university, since you have ATSWA certificate, you will start ICAN from Skill Level because you will be given exemption for Foundation Level and one paper in Skill Level(Audit and Assurance), it means you will not write any paper in Foundation Level and one paper in Skill Level which is Audit and Assurance.

So in your year 1 in the university, you can write ICAN Skill Level and in year 2 you can write Professional level.

You may ask, but how will I combine all the ATS courses with
my school studies? The answer is simple, what you will be learning in the university is almost equivalent to ICAN courses, if you are studying accounting, but if you are studying other courses, the truth is your brain is still fresh while you are still in school and it can accommodate as much as you allow, so no shaking.

This means by the time you graduate from the university,
you would have become a Chartered Accountant.
This will give you an advantage as a young graduated, in fact it is easy for companies like PWC, Adekola Deloitte, KPMG, Accenture Inc and other top accounting firms to employ you.

Isn’t that enough reason for you, your child or anyone you know to start their
accounting career journey immediately after secondary school?

Don’t just read please share with others

P.S : Information is power only if you can take action with it.
Then, and only then, does it represent knowledge and, consequently, power……. Daniel Burrus

Join our FREE ATS classes on Telegram now, Click here now to join NOW http://starrygoldacademy.com/members/ats-telegram-class/

Need ATS Video Lecture?

Call Starry Gold Academy on 08023428420, 07086810335 

Or click here to chat with admin on Telegram https://t.me/starrygoldacademy

Starry Gold Academy

Number 1 ICAN tuition center with highest exam pass rate at ONE SITTING.

Our Offline Video Tutorials:
ICAN, ATS, CITN, CIS, CISA, IFRS, JAMB, WAEC, GCE, NECO, Junior WAEC, SAGE 50, SAGE Evolution, Excel (Basic & Advance), QuickBooks and others.

Do You Know Your Child Can Pass his/her WAEC Exam at One Sitting?

As parents, we become more anxious when our children get to the teenage; 13, 14, or 15years. You begin to really worry about how your child’s future is going to turn out because this is the time that really determines how well and fast your child can succeed in life- this is what all parents want right?

This feeling increases especially in SS3 when your child is about to write his or her Senior WAEC, and most of this worry comes with the fact that a lot of students fail their WAEC examination or don’t get to pass all their paper in one sitting especially the important subject’s like Maths and English

I was having a chat with my neighbor on a Saturday morning about how our week went. He told me he will like to retire soon and start his own business but his major worry was his last daughter.

Then I paused and asked him why he said so.
He said he wanted her to quickly get into the university before he retires. His major concern was that she may have to write her WAEC twice just like her elder brothers did.

I was surprised so I asked why he thought that.
His take was that WAEC had been set up in a way that most students cannot pass their papers at a sitting
According to him, during her brother’s time he made sure they went for extra lessons and even employed a private tutor for them but they still had to write the exams twice.

He just wished there was a way his daughter could write her exam in SS2 and quickly move to the university before his retirement
I sensed the worry in his voice so I told him he needs to do something different for his daughter if he doesn’t want her to repeat her exam twice

He was very interested in knowing how. So I told him about the WAEC video lecture.

He was surprised there was something like that. I explained to him that he doesn’t have to pay for extra class and extra tutors because the WAEC video lecture is self-explanatory, and it covers all the topic in the WAEC Syllabus which some teacher won’t be able to cover

And the most interesting part is that it can be repeated over and over which is what is really important to learning and understanding, like we all know the more you repeat particular information the more it stays longer in your memory.

PS: It is very possible for your child to write WAEC and get into the university immediately. So don’t let your child spend an extra year or years at home in order to pass WAEC.

Need WAEC/NECO/GCE Video Lectures (Inclusive of Question and Answer) to make learning easier for your child?…….
Click here to chat with admin on Telegram NOW https://t.me/starrygoldacademy
Call Starry Gold Academy on 08023428420, 07086810335, OR 08123189141

From Starry Gold Academy
Number 1 tuition center with the highest exam pass rate at ONE SITTING in Nigeria

CIPM Membership through Practitioners’ Route

Minimum of Bachelor degree/Higher National Diploma (HND) or its equivalent

Minimum of seven (7) years post-graduation experience (Not inclusive of the one year mandatory NYSC service), five (5) of which must be in Human Resource/Administrative practice at advisory/management level in a structured and recognized organization
The categories of organisations are as follows:
Public Sector including MDAs, Ministries, Local Government, Education, etc
Oil and Gas
Media & Advertising
Banking & Insurance
Professional Institutes
*Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
Others (please specify the category of organization)

The categories above include Multi-national companies, Publicly quoted companies, Private companies in all sectors, etc.

Central Bank of Nigeria, NASME, etc define SMEs as “businesses with turnover of less than N100MM per annum and/ or less than 300 employees”. The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) in a stand-alone definition defines an SME according to asset base and number of staff employed. The criteria are an asset base between N5 million and N500 million, and a staff strength between 11 and 300 employees.

Currently employed and occupying a position not less than Supervisor/Manager or its equivalent in the private sector or Grade Level 10 or its equivalent in the public

Demonstrable cognate experience and competence in at least five (5) of the following core areas of Human Resource Management:
Human Resource Management
Resourcing and Talent Planning
Performance Management System
Rewards and Remuneration Management
Learning and Talent Development
Change Management
Industrial and Employee Relations
Employee Engagement
Diversity and Inclusiveness

Record of attendance from at least five (5) relevant Human Resource Management programmes or related Management training programmes within the last seven (7) years

Two reference details MUST be provided as part of the application process (one of the references must be supplied by the current/most recent employer).

Most recent appointment or promotion letter stating current position.

Applicants who meet the above requirements following the assessment and approval by the Governing Council would be required to participate in both a 2-day mandatory training titled: “Contemporary Human Resource Management Practice: Issues and Challenges” and a Development Assessment Centre.

Upon successful completion at the Development Assessment Centre, applicants shall be inducted as Associate Members.
