Author: starry gold

18 Days To This Diet CITN Exam… How To Manage Exams Stress

“Preparing for CITN exam is stressful; considering that I still have to go to work,
manage the family, office workload is there, please Starry Gold I need help”
…………………..In the voice of a CITN student

Just calm down you will make it this diet.
I understand how stressful you might feel now,
considering that we have 18 days to CITN April diet Exams.

You are trying to conclude your revision, registration and other necessary things.
Not ignoring the fact that you still have work to do in the office and at home.
Managing family, work and career could be stressful, but you can learn how to manage all.

Exam stress affects most CITN students in varying ways.
It is important to manage this stress and find little ways of helping
to eliminate the risk of burnout.

Here are some handy tips that can help to dissipate stress and
make sure you can get through CITN exam this diet;

1. List out what you need to do concerning your CITN exams (registration, payment and others) . Also list out all you need to do at work and at home for each week.

2. Assign date and time to each task.

3. Request help from your spouse, colleagues and boss if you need help. You can also chat with our admin if you need any help concerning CITN.

4. Take regular breaks when you are studying, just to ease yourself of the tension that comes with revising for exams.

Let me add this bonus, eat and sleep well to have a healthy mind.

P.S: “Everyone has the ability to increase resilience to stress. It requires hard work and dedication.” …….Amy Morin

Get CITN Video Lectures, Solution to CITN Past Questions

Call Starry Gold Academy on 08023428420, 07086810335, or 08123189141

Or click here to chat with admin on Telegram

Our Offline Video Tutorials:
ICAN, ATS, CITN, CIS, IFRS, JAMB, WAEC, GCE, NECO, Junior WAEC, SAGE 50, SAGE Evolution, Excel (Basic & Advance), QuickBooks, and others.

Starry Gold Academy
Number 1 tuition center with the highest exam pass rate at ONE SITTING.

46 Days to ICAN exams….. Don’t Give Up Now, You Can Still Make It

Are you finding yourself overwhelmed by the upcoming ICAN exams?

Do you believe that ICAN’s challenges are insurmountable for you?

Do you worry that you might not succeed in this round of ICAN exams?

Rest assured, you are not alone in these feelings. Many ICAN students have faced similar doubts and fears, yet they have overcome them, and so can you.

Challenges are a part of life; they come and go. Life is never entirely free of obstacles, but our focus should always be on finding solutions, not dwelling on the problems.

Remember, dwelling on problems only magnifies them and can prolong your struggles indefinitely.

So, what specific obstacles are you encountering in your ICAN exam journey?

Our team of experts is here to provide you with the guidance and support you need. Don’t hesitate to reach out.

Click here to join our FREE ICAN Telegram Classes NOW

P.S: To join the ICAN Exam Study Challenge, get ICAN video Lectures and Past Questions,

Call Starry Gold Academy on 07086810335, 08023428420, 08085378906 OR 08123189141.
click here to chat with admin on Telegram

Starry Gold Academy

Number 1 ICAN tuition center with highest exam pass rate at ONE SITTING in Nigeria.



In today’s business environment, computers are continuing the revolution started in the 1950s.

It has become impossible for today’s enterprises of any size and in any market sector to exist without computers to assist with their fundamental business operations.

IT has transformed many professions and the accounting profession especially in an organization is not an exception.

This is because auditing work is done using paper work but in recent years, IT has changed the way audit is performed in many organization.

There are two reasons why IT auditors should use General Audit Software (GAS) products, such as Audit Command Language (ACL).

Firstly, there is the focus on fraud in recent years, according to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) and its 2009 “Report to the Nation” survey on fraud, more than 60 percent of all frauds are detected either by a tip or by accident. While internal audit has moved up on the list, there is clearly room for more proactive antifraud programs.

Secondly, is that the demands on IT and internal auditors are increasing and auditors will need to become more efficient to fulfill all of the responsibilities and tasks assigned to them, and having the knowledge on Audit Command Language is one way to do so.

This helps you to reduce the time you use to audit and also enable you to conduct your activities in a most efficient manner.

Using ACL empowers you as an auditor to possibly have a better sense of direction in your audit procedures.

You will be able to perform some audit procedures to gain an understanding of the data (e.g., using PROFILE, STATISTICS commands in ACL). During these procedures,
You will be able to spot an anomaly or red flag
(e.g., negative amounts where there should be none).

The data in ACL are locked down as read-only.

There is no chance for the auditor to inadvertently change the data.

This inadvertent risk is much higher for IT auditors who choose to use a spreadsheet for analyzing and presenting transactions. While one can lock cells or sheets in Microsoft Excel, there is still the possibility of human error. It is almost non-existent in ACL.

You want to learn Audit Command Language?

Kindly call 08123189141,08023428420, 07086810335

click here to chat with admin on Telegram
to request for your Audit command video course NOW

P.S: Aside the video material, you will also be getting the practice software, a certificate of proficiency and a life time access to the training materials.

Our Offline Video Tutorials:
ICAN, ATS, CITN, CIS, IFRS, JAMB, WAEC, GCE, NECO, Junior WAEC, SAGE 50, SAGE Evolution, Excel (Basic & Advance), QuickBooks, and others.

Starry Gold Academy
Number 1 tuition center with the highest exam pass rate at ONE SITTING.

If You Did Not Write The Last Diet CIS Exam, Kindly Read This…

If You Did Not Write The Last Diet CIS Exam, Kindly Read This…

You postponed your last diet CIS exam because you didn’t have time to prepare for the exam and now you are not making any deliberate effort to start preparation for the next diet, believing that there is still time.

Let me shock you………… You might postpone the next diet exam again, because of the feeling that ‘there is still time’
You can only prove me wrong if you start your CIS exam preparation right NOW.
The first step of getting things done is to start right NOW.

“When you wait for the right time, you’ll never know when it’s already too late.”― Udai Yadla

“Don’t wait longer. It is always the right time for the right action.”― Debasish Mridha

If you want to start preparation this diet CIS exam, get our CIS Video Lectures, Solutions to CIS Past Questions, and CIS Exam Success Blueprint.
Click here to chat with admin on Telegram NOW
Call Starry Gold Academy on: 08023428420, 07086810335, 08123189141

Our Offline Video Tutorials:
ICAN, ATS, CITN, CIS, IFRS, JAMB, WAEC, GCE, NECO, Junior WAEC, SAGE 50, SAGE Evolution, Excel (Basic & Advance), QuickBooks, and others.

Starry Gold Academy
Number 1 tuition center with the highest exam pass rate at ONE SITTING.

Do’s and Don’ts, Few Days to CITN Exams

It is a few days until the CITN exams……….. EXAMINATION DATES is Tuesday,
16th & Wednesday, 17th April, 2024.
Nothing dey happen, we will face the exam.

Years ago, few days to CITN exam, one of our students called and asked me that
“What are the areas of concentration as I conclude my last minute preparation? ”

I just replied him that “If you had asked me the same question two months ago,
maybe I would have helped you, but it is late now, just keep solving past questions”

Then he asked another question “since I am writing CITN exam for the first time, what are the do’s and don’t ?”

These are the some of the suggested DO’S and DONT’S few days to CITN exam.


• Know your exam center ahead.

• Make a visit to your exam center if you are chanced.

• If your location is far from the exam center, Move to a hotel close to your exam center.

• Make sure your calculator and writing materials are in good condition.


• Don’t go late to your exam center, lateness could destabilize you.

• Don’t interact with anyone while in the exam hall, this could be passive as malpractice.

These do’s and don’t might seems too basic, but it is better to do the right thing to avoid the “stories that tough”

Just as a reminder, it is just 6 days to this diet CITN exams

Need CITN past questions and solutions?

Login to our Members Area

If you don’t have access to our Members Area,
click here to chat with admin on Telegram NOW https:///starrygoldacademy
Call Starry Gold Academy on 07086810335, 08023428420, 08085378906 OR 08123189141.

Wishing you SUCCESS in advance.
With LOVE from,
Starry Gold Academy

Number 1 CITN tuition center with highest exam pass rate at ONE SITTING in Nigeria.


SUCCESS cannot be a MUST if you are not always in the mood to study for ICAN exams.

Do you want to always be in the mood to study? Then read the article below;

I get lots of emails from ICAN students who complain that they are finding it hard to study for their exams.
One of the ICAN students said that anytime he sits down to read, that is when he will start feeling sleepy and when he stops reading to do something else, his eyes will be clear.

Another student complained that he always struggles to read, that reading for ICAN exams has become the most difficult task for him and he cannot explain why.
If you find yourself in this situation, you are not alone,

You don’t want to remain in the situation if you must pass this NEXT Diet Exams.

The first thing you need to understand about studying is that, waiting for the right mood might result in procrastination and procrastination could lead to FAILURE.

Just start, even when you don’t feel like it.
Like medicine, you just have to use it for you to get well, not because you feel like.

Here are some tips that will help you study more effectively:

If you start with the difficult topics, your mood will get worse after realizing that you wasted a lot of time without finishing anything to the end. The trick is to start with the easy topic in order to convince yourself that you have progressed in a short period of time.

Isolate yourself to a calm place, leave your mobile phone, tablet, PC and everything else that could distract you out of the room.

When you do so, you won’t find anything to waste time on and you will progress much faster
I will continue from tomorrow, I don’t want to overwhelm you

Hope you are looking forward to the continuation.

Starry Gold Academy
Number one ICAN Tuition center with the highest number of pass rate at on sitting

Our Offline Video Tutorials:
ICAN, ATS, CITN, CIS, IFRS, JAMB, WAEC, GCE, NECO, Junior WAEC, SAGE 50, SAGE Evolution, Excel (Basic & Advance), QuickBooks, and others.

Starry Gold Academy
Number 1 tuition center with the highest exam pass rate at ONE SITTING.

You Only Have 54 Days Left for the ICAN May 2024 Diet Exam.

Waiting too long to start your preparations could lead to insufficient time for adequate study, increased stress, and a decreased likelihood of performing well in the exam.

It is important that you create a well-structured study schedule and make the most of the time available to cover the ICAN syllabus.

For your information ICAN exams for the May 2024 diet have been scheduled to take place from Tuesday 14, May to Thursday 16, May 2024.

You may be under the impression that you have ample time to begin your preparations, but it’s crucial to consider the following time frames:

– If you commit to daily study, you have just 54 days remaining.

Remember, procrastination can have a detrimental impact on your performance in the ICAN exam. Plan your study strategy wisely and act promptly to ensure your success.

Do you want to cover the whole ICAN syllabus before 14th May 2024?……
Join the 60 Days ICAN Exam Study Challenge

The 60-Day Study Challenge will help you to
finish studying the ICAN syllabus twice before the exam.

Want To Join The ICAN 60 Days Study Challenge?

Click here to chat with admin on Telegram
Call Starry Gold Academy on; 08023428420, 07086810335, 08123189141

Our Offline Video Tutorials:
ICAN, ATS, CITN, CIS, IFRS, JAMB, WAEC, GCE, NECO, Junior WAEC, SAGE 50, SAGE Evolution, Excel (Basic & Advance), QuickBooks, and others.

Starry Gold Academy
Number 1 tuition center with the highest exam pass rate at ONE SITTING.

#ICAN60daysstudychallenge #ICAN #ICANexam #ICANmaydiet2024

Danger Of Skipping This April CITN Diet Exam

You might have been thinking of skipping this April diet CITN Exam because you are very busy or because of a particular issue you are going through now.

Life is actually full of challenges but challenges are meant to move us to the next level of our life if we take deliberate action and never give up.

If you really want to do something like writing and passing this April diet, you’ll find a way, else, you’ll definitely find an EXCUSE.
Where there is a WILL, there is always a WAY

When you skip a diet, there is probability of becoming too tired to continue or write the next diet and sometimes you could just develop the habit of constantly skipping different diets , which would result in the delay of becoming a Chartered Tax Practitioner.

We generate fear while we do nothing, we overcome these fears by taking action. Every morning you have two choices: continue to sleep with your dreams, or wake up and chase them. Remember that a river cuts through rock not because of its power but because of its PERSISTENCE.

You can still PASS this CITN April diet exam.
Don’t skip this diet, start preparation right NOW.
Take advantage of our 30 days CITN Exams success blueprint and video lectures so that you can finish the syllabus before the exam.

Kindly Click here and chat with Admin and request for Video Lecture NOW
Call Starry Gold Academy on 08123189141,08023428420, 08085378906 OR 07086810335 .

Click here to join our FREE CITN Telegram class,

Our Offline Video Tutorials:
ICAN, ATS, CITN, CIS, IFRS, JAMB, WAEC, GCE, NECO, Junior WAEC, SAGE 50, SAGE Evolution, Excel (Basic & Advance), QuickBooks, and others.

Starry Gold Academy
Number 1 tuition center with the highest exam pass rate at ONE SITTING.

CIS Video Lectures

According to Psychology Today, the primary reason people learn well via video is that the human brain processes video 60,000 times faster than it does with textbooks.

People are likely to remember only 10% of textual content (textbooks), 65% of visual content, but 95% of audio-visual content.

Hence, Video Lecture enhances self-learning and engages your attention throughout the study

To get the offline video lectures and over 12 diets past questions and answers
Click here to chat with admin on Telegram
Call Starry Gold Academy on; 08023428420, 07086810335, 08123189141

Starry Gold Academy
No 1 Tuition center with the highest exam pass rate at one sitting for professional exams in Nigeria.

Our Offline Video Tutorials:
ICAN, ATS, CITN, CIS, IFRS, JAMB, WAEC, GCE, NECO, Junior WAEC, SAGE 50, SAGE Evolution, Excel (Basic & Advance), QuickBooks, Project Management and others.

ICAN Video Lectures

According to Psychology Today, the primary reason people learn well via video is that the human brain processes video 60,000 times faster than it does with textbooks.
People are likely to remember only 10% of textual content (textbooks), 65% of visual content, but 95% of audio-visual content.

Hence, Video Lecture enhances self-learning and engages your attention throughout the study
To get the offline video lectures and over 14 diets past questions and answers

Click here to chat with admin on Telegram
Call Starry Gold Academy on; 08023428420, 07086810335, 08123189141

Starry Gold Academy
No 1 Tuition center with the highest exam pass rate at one sitting for professional exams in Nigeria.

Our Offline Video Tutorials:
ICAN, ATS, CITN, CIS, IFRS, JAMB, WAEC, GCE, NECO, Junior WAEC, SAGE 50, SAGE Evolution, Excel (Basic & Advance), QuickBooks, Project Management and other