Author: starry gold

22 Days To This Diet ICAN Exam… How To Manage Exams Stress

“Preparing for ICAN exam is stressful; considering that I still have to go to work,
manage the family, office workload is there, please Starry Gold I need help”
…………………..In the voice of an ICAN student

Just calm down you will make it this diet.
I understand how stressful you might feel now,
considering that we have 3 weeks plus to ICAN May diet 2024

You are trying to conclude your revision, registration and other necessary things.
Not ignoring the fact that you still have work to do in the office and at home.
Managing family, work and career could be stressful, but you can learn how to manage all.

Exam stress affects most ICAN students in varying ways.
It is important to manage this stress and find little ways of helping
to eliminate the risk of burnout.

Here are some handy tips that can help to dissipate stress and
make sure you can get through ICAN exam this diet;

1. List out what you need to do concerning your ICAN exams (registration, payment, docket and others) . Also list out all you need to do at work and at home for each week.

2. Assign date and time to each task.

3. Request help from your spouse, colleagues and boss if you need help. You can also chat with our admin if you need any help concerning ICAN.

4. Take regular breaks when you are studying, just to ease yourself of the tension that comes with revising for exams.

Let me add this bonus, eat and sleep well to have a healthy mind.

P.S: “Everyone has the ability to increase resilience to stress. It requires hard work and dedication.” …….Amy Morin

Get ICAN Video Lectures, Solution to ICAN Past Questions and Solutions to ICAN study pack.

Call Starry Gold Academy on 08023428420, 07086810335, or 08123189141

Or click here to chat with admin on Telegram

You can join our FREE ICAN Telegram classes, click here to join,

Our Offline Video Tutorials:
ICAN, ATS, CITN, CIS, IFRS, JAMB, WAEC, GCE, NECO, Junior WAEC, SAGE 50, SAGE Evolution, Excel (Basic & Advance), QuickBooks, and others.

Starry Gold Academy
Number 1 tuition center with the highest exam pass rate at ONE SITTING.

How To Calm Post CITN Exam Stress

Congratulations on completion of your CITN exams.
It was not easy, thank God you didn’t miss April Diet.

I wish you the very best as you await a favorable result.

After writing CITN exams it feels like Freedom at last!! You just feel like taking vacation from all activities.

If you’re stressed out after taking CITN exams, don’t worry
There are steps you can take to calm down, reduce your stress and get on with your life as you expect a favorable result.


On our CITN Telegram platform during one of the previous diet, I saw a student saying that there was an error in one of the questions…….. You have already written the exams, nothing can be done about that, just pray for God’s favour.

Do not go home and start checking your textbooks for the correct answer to the exam questions. This will only increase tension and anxiety. You have written the exam, so put your mind at rest.

When I was in the hostel, back in the university, my roommate checked all the correct answers to the exam questions, he shouted “Mogbe oo ” that is, “I am finished ooo” and he fainted.
I guess he noticed that he didn’t do well.

But to our surprise, he passed that exam.

Why put yourself under unnecessary stress and tension? You have done your best, so leave the rest for God and the examiner.

I will continue in my next article.

If you did not write this diet, it is time to start preparing for next diet.

To get CITN Video Lectures,
Call Starry Gold Academy on; 07086810335, 08023428420, 08085378906 OR 08123189141 
Or click here to chat with admin on Telegram

Click here to join our FREE CITN Telegram Classes NOW

To your Success this diet
With LOVE from
Starry Gold Academy.

Number 1 CITN tuition center with the highest exam pass rate at ONE SITTING.

25 Days to Ican Exams!! How To Reduce Distraction During Your Ican Exam Revision Time

There are lots of activities that could act as distraction whenever you are revisiting for the fourth coming ICAN exams,
funny enough some of these distractions might be unavoidable.
But, you can actually minimize distraction.

Most of the time, notifications from electronic devices
(phone, tablet, laptops, desktop and others) only add to the distraction.

In fact, most of us are so used to getting interrupted while studying,
even when there is no notification on our phone, we still check just to be sure.
Seems we have been configured to be distracted…… smile!!!

There are other forms of distractions at work and at home….. we will discuss them all.

These tips may help you to minimize distraction, increase your
focus and assimilation while revising.

You may want to turn off all notifications from smartphones and
desktops applications. Consider checking email only four times per day and handling each inquiry only once.

Controlling your devices and not having that technology control you, may help reduce distractions and increase your focus and level of assimilation.

You have spent a lot for this exam, so don’t allow anything to deprive you of SUCCESS this diet.
I will stop here and continue in my next article.

P.S: If you want to improve on your focus and level of assimilation while revising,
so as to increase your chances of passing ICAN exam this diet,
then you need to minimize distraction.

Click here to join our FREE ICAN Telegram Classes NOW

To get Updated ICAN Video Lectures,
Call Starry Gold Academy on 08023428420, 08123189141, 07086810335
Or click here to chat with admin on Telegram

Wishing you the best in your ICAN exams,
Starry Gold Academy
Number 1 ICAN tuition center with highest exam pass rate at ONE SITTING.

How To Calm Post CITN Exam Stress

Congratulations on completion of your CITN exams.
It was not easy, thank God you didn’t miss April Diet.

I wish you the very best as you await a favorable result.

After writing CITN exams it feels like Freedom at last!! You just feel like taking vacation from all activities.

If you’re stressed out after taking CITN exams, don’t worry
There are steps you can take to calm down, reduce your stress and get on with your life as you expect a favorable result.


On our CITN Telegram platform during one of the previous diet, I saw a student saying that there was an error in one of the questions…….. You have already written the exams, nothing can be done about that, just pray for God’s favour.

Do not go home and start checking your textbooks for the correct answer to the exam questions. This will only increase tension and anxiety. You have written the exam, so put your mind at rest.

When I was in the hostel, back in the university, my roommate checked all the correct answers to the exam questions, he shouted “Mogbe oo ” that is, “I am finished ooo” and he fainted.
I guess he noticed that he didn’t do well.

But to our surprise, he passed that exam.

Why put yourself under unnecessary stress and tension? You have done your best, so leave the rest for God and the examiner.

I will continue in my next article.

If you did not write this diet, it is time to start preparing for next diet.

To get CITN Video Lectures,
Call Starry Gold Academy on; 07086810335, 08023428420, 08085378906 OR 08123189141 
Or click here to chat with admin on Telegram

Click here to join our FREE CITN Telegram Classes NOW

To your Success this diet
With LOVE from
Starry Gold Academy.

Number 1 CITN tuition center with the highest exam pass rate at ONE SITTING.

Why Accountants Must Know How To Use Sage 50

This is not a question of placing the knowledge of SAGE 50 ahead of your OND, B.Sc or being a Chartered Accountant.

It is more of you understanding the TOOLS you need to work with as an Accountant, so there is no basis for comparison.

My friend’s son, Joshua who just finished his NYSC program told me that he had gone for more than four different interviews for the post of Accountant but could not get the jobs because the interviewers always asked if he is proficient in the use of SAGE 50.

The last company he went for an interview even allowed him to go and learn SAGE 50 for 3 weeks and come back for practical interviews.

Joshua asked “I have SSCE, B.Sc, and now I’m a Chartered Accountant but why are the companies focusing more on SAGE 50?”

My answer was that “SAGE 50 is the application that most companies use for their daily accounting task. SAGE 50 is an application that is used for accounting purposes, so if you must work with those companies, you must learn how to use SAGE 50”

Though there are other alternatives accounting applications apart from SAGE 50, but since most companies in Nigeria use SAGE 50 accounting application for their accounting task…

You just need to follow the trend if you must be relevant as an Accountant.


Sage 50 is positioned as an easy-to-use desktop accounting software for growing small businesses, but it is scalable to perform big business accounting.
It includes standard accounting such as: accounts payables and accounts receivable; bill payments and cash flow management.


Here are the main Sage 50 benefits:

* It goes beyond accounting and

it includes essential business operations.

* It has basic accounting modules and

useful modules, processing, and inventory

management and reporting and a customizable

dashboard for quick access to important data.

* It has automatic backup, which

is critical to protect your numbers.

* Compatible with other Sage products and

can be scaled to match your business growth.

* Features automatic accounting checks.


To get practical videos for the above skills and other relevant accounting software,

Call Starry Gold Academy on 08123189141, 07086810335, 08023428420, 08085378906.

Or chat with the admin on Telegram, click here to chat https:///starrygoldacademy to get all or any of these practical video tutorials.

Recall 95% Of What You Study With CIPM Video Lectures

According to, the primary reason people learn well via video is that the human brain processes video 60,000 times faster than it does with textbooks.

A few weeks after reading, people will likely remember only 10% of textual content (textbooks), 65% of visual content, and 95% of audio-visual content.

This means that video content connects with people on a deeper level and does so significantly faster than text alone. Hence, Video Lecture enhances self-learning and engage your attention.

According to, after three days, you can retain only 10-20 percent of written or spoken information but almost sixty-five percent of visual (video) information, and visuals (Video) have been found to improve learning by up to 400 percent.

Want to try Video Lectures?

To get the CIPM offline video lectures,

click here to chat with admin on Telegram
Call / chat Call Starry Gold Academy on: 08023428420, 07086810335, 08123189141

Starry Gold Academy
No 1 Tuition center with the highest exam pass rate at one sitting for professional exams in Nigeria.

Our Offline Video Tutorials:
ICAN, ATS, CITN, CIS, IFRS, JAMB, WAEC, GCE, NECO, Junior WAEC, SAGE 50, SAGE Evolution, Excel (Basic & Advance), QuickBooks, Project Management and others.

CITN Video Lectures

According to Psychology Today, the primary reason people learn well via video is that the human brain processes video 60,000 times faster than it does with textbooks.
People are likely to remember only 10% of textual content (textbooks), 65% of visual content, but 95% of audio-visual content.

Hence, Video Lecture enhances self-learning and engages your attention throughout the study
To get the offline video lectures and over 14 diets past questions and answers

Click here to chat with admin on Telegram
Call Starry Gold Academy on; 08023428420, 07086810335, 08123189141

Starry Gold Academy
No 1 Tuition center with the highest exam pass rate at one sitting for professional exams in Nigeria.

Our Offline Video Tutorials:
ICAN, ATS, CITN, CIS, IFRS, JAMB, WAEC, GCE, NECO, Junior WAEC, SAGE 50, SAGE Evolution, Excel (Basic & Advance), QuickBooks, Project Management and others.

ICAN Video Lectures

According to Psychology Today, the primary reason people learn well via video is that the human brain processes video 60,000 times faster than it does with textbooks.
People are likely to remember only 10% of textual content (textbooks), 65% of visual content, but 95% of audio-visual content.

Hence, Video Lecture enhances self-learning and engages your attention throughout the study
To get the offline video lectures and over 14 diets past questions and answers

Click here to chat with admin on Telegram
Call Starry Gold Academy on; 08023428420, 07086810335, 08123189141

Starry Gold Academy
No 1 Tuition center with the highest exam pass rate at one sitting for professional exams in Nigeria.

Our Offline Video Tutorials:
ICAN, ATS, CITN, CIS, IFRS, JAMB, WAEC, GCE, NECO, Junior WAEC, SAGE 50, SAGE Evolution, Excel (Basic & Advance), QuickBooks, Project Management and other

CIS Video Lectures

According to Psychology Today, the primary reason people learn well via video is that the human brain processes video 60,000 times faster than it does with textbooks.

People are likely to remember only 10% of textual content (textbooks), 65% of visual content, but 95% of audio-visual content.

Hence, Video Lecture enhances self-learning and engages your attention throughout the study

To get the offline video lectures and over 12 diets past questions and answers
Click here to chat with admin on Telegram
Call Starry Gold Academy on; 08023428420, 07086810335, 08123189141

Starry Gold Academy
No 1 Tuition center with the highest exam pass rate at one sitting for professional exams in Nigeria.

Our Offline Video Tutorials:
ICAN, ATS, CITN, CIS, IFRS, JAMB, WAEC, GCE, NECO, Junior WAEC, SAGE 50, SAGE Evolution, Excel (Basic & Advance), QuickBooks, Project Management and others.

ATS Video Lectures

According to Psychology Today, the primary reason people learn well via video is that the human brain processes video 60,000 times faster than it does with textbooks.

People are likely to remember only 10% of textual content (textbooks), 65% of visual content, but 95% of audio-visual content.

Hence, Video Lecture enhances self-learning and engages your attention throughout the study
To get the offline video lectures and over 12 diets past questions and answers

Click here to chat with admin on Telegram
Call / chat Call Starry Gold Academy on: 08023428420 or 09167016003

Starry Gold Academy
No 1 Tuition center with the highest exam pass rate at one sitting for professional exams in Nigeria.

Our Offline Video Tutorials:
ICAN, ATS, CITN, CIS, IFRS, JAMB, WAEC, GCE, NECO, Junior WAEC, SAGE 50, SAGE Evolution, Excel (Basic & Advance), QuickBooks, Project Management and others.