Category: ICAN

ICAN Pathfinder

What is ICAN Pathfinder?

The ICAN Pathfinder is an invaluable resource designed by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN). It includes past exam papers, suggested solutions, marking guides, and examiner’s reports that give you a clear understanding of what to expect on exam day. Available for all levels of the ICAN exams, this guide ensures that you’re not only prepared but also confident in tackling any exam challenges.

Why Choose ICAN Pathfinder for Your Exam Preparation?

  1. Comprehensive Coverage: The ICAN Pathfinder covers all the key areas tested in the exams. From foundational concepts to advanced taxation and financial management, it’s the best tool to help you understand the exam structure and format.
  2. Official and Trusted Source: As an official publication from ICAN, the Pathfinder is the most reliable and up-to-date resource available. It reflects the current syllabus and provides detailed solutions that help clarify difficult concepts.
  3. Boost Your Confidence: With access to a vast number of past questions, suggested solutions, and examiner reports, you’ll be equipped to approach your ICAN exams with full confidence. The ICAN Pathfinder is your study partner, guiding you through each step with clarity.
  4. Enhanced Exam Strategy: Understanding past exam trends and marking schemes is crucial to exam success. The Pathfinder gives you insights into which areas are frequently tested and how to approach them strategically.

How to Get Your ICAN Pathfinder

Getting your hands on the ICAN Pathfinder is easy! Here are the options:

How ICAN Pathfinder Helps You Excel

  • Realistic Practice: By solving past questions from the Pathfinder, you can simulate actual exam conditions, improving your time management and problem-solving skills.
  • Structured Learning: The step-by-step breakdown of past papers ensures you fully grasp every concept, no matter how complex it may seem.
  • Up-to-date Information: The Pathfinder is updated regularly, keeping you aligned with the latest changes in the ICAN syllabus.

ICAN Pathfinder for All Exam Levels

Whether you’re starting with the Foundation Level or aiming for the Professional Level, the ICAN Pathfinder offers resources tailored to your needs:

  • Foundation Level: Clear explanations of basic accounting principles and introductory financial management.
  • Skills Level: Advanced topics like taxation, auditing, and financial reporting, with detailed past papers and suggested solutions.
  • Professional Level: Expert-level content covering complex areas like strategic financial management, auditing, and advanced taxation.

Why You Need the ICAN Pathfinder Today

Don’t wait until the last minute to prepare for your ICAN exams. The earlier you start studying with the ICAN Pathfinder, the better prepared you’ll be. Take advantage of the detailed solutions, marking guides, and examiner’s insights that help you focus on high-yield topics and avoid unnecessary stress.

Get your ICAN Pathfinder now and ensure your success on exam day!

Want to get the ICAN Video Lectures and Solution to ICAN Pathfinders?

Call/WhatsApp: 08023428420, 08123189141 Or  Click here to chat with our admin on Telegram Starry Gold Academy

Online ICAN Classes

Did you miss the last ICAN diet exam or struggle to pass?
You’re not alone, and we’re here to help you change the story!
We have discovered a common secret to success from our top-performing students. Early preparation is key.
Starting early gave them the advantage of:

✅ Adequate time for in-depth study and understanding.

✅ Extensive practice with past questions.

✅ Confidence during revision and exams.

📅 Start Date: Monday, January 13th, 2025

✨ Why Start With Us Now ?

✔️ Proven track record of ICAN success stories.

✔️ Expert tutors who simplify complex concepts.

✔️ Interactive sessions tailored to your needs.

Don’t wait till it’s too late! Get ahead, gain confidence, and crush your ICAN exams this time around.
Ready to join us NOW? Click here to join our ICAN Telegram group

To get the Timetable ,
Chat with Admin on Telegram, CLICK ON THE LINK


Call/Chat Starry Gold Academy:
08023428420, 08123189141

ICANPreparation #PassICAN #StarryGoldAcademy #ICANClasses #ICANMay2025Diet

Feeling Stuck Because You Missed Last Diet ICAN Exam?

If you have ever felt held back by circumstances beyond your control, like being unable to write your last diet ICAN exam because your exam leave was denied, then you can replicate what our student did to overcome such a situation.

Two diets ago, one of our students sent me this message via email “I was not granted exam leave, so I couldn’t write the last diet ICAN exam and I’m not sure if I will be granted exam leave this diet but I really want to write ICAN exam”

This is the solution I gave her and it helped her to write the last diet ICAN exam without exam leave.

She started her preparation even before the release of ICAN results. Since she did not write the previous exam while waiting until the result is released before stating her preparation.

If you did not write the last diet exam and you have not started preparing for the next diet exam, you will likely waste one month from the limited time you have for exam preparation.

She planned her study for Saturday and Sunday only because of the very busy nature of her work on weekdays.

She studied for 5 hours on Saturday and 5 hours on Sunday for 5 months.

She covered the syllabus twice and solved a lot of past questions before the exam date.

In her words “This is the first time I’m writing ICAN exam without any form of exam pressure and I was very confident in the exam hall. It looks almost impossible to write ICAN exam without exam leave for a busy professional like me, but with your advice I made it”

P.S. Don’t let missed opportunities hold you back any longer!

If you weren’t granted the chance to write your last diet ICAN exam due to the lack of exam leave, now is your time to take control of your future and start preparing TODAY.

Request for our ICAN Video lectures, 30 Days ICAN Exam Study Guide, and the Solution to 15 diets ICAN exam past questions.

Call Starry Gold Academy on, 08023428420, 07086810335, or, 08123189141

Or click here to chat with the admin on Telegram


Is In-Depth Knowledge Of IFRS A Must For Accountants?

Some of the question and arguments concerning IFRS are;

  • “Are you saying that, as an Accountant, I must write an ACCA Diploma in IFRS Exams?”
  • “IFRS knowledge is strictly for Accountant that works with multinational Accounting companies”
  • “Don’t confuse us, we are Chartered Accountants already, we already know about IFRS”
  • “I am still struggling to become a Chartered Accountant, I can’t kill myself abeg”
  • “Only certified ACCA personnel needs the knowledge of IFRS”

Well, there is no basis for argument.

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) has come to stay in Nigeria, it’s either you upgrade or be left behind.

The truth is that, if you belong to any of the categories below, then you need the knowledge and implementation of IFRS ;

  • Those who analyze Financial Statements.
  • Those who give Investment advice to clients.
  • Those who manage Investment Portfolios

for Local and Foreign Clients.

  • Those who just want to refresh their knowledge on IFRS.
  • Those who want to upgrade their IFRS skill and competence.
  • Those who plan to seat

for the IFRS (ACCA Certificate or Diploma) exams.

  • Those who prepare and sign Financial Statements.
  • Those who want to update their knowledge on IFRS.

P.S: Continuous learning is one of the keys to success in life.

Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow. ― Ronald E. Osborn

An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.― Benjamin Franklin

Need our IFRS Video Tutorial?

Call Starry Gold Academy on 08123189141,08023428420, 07086810335,

Starry Gold Academy
No 1 Tuition center with the highest exam pass rate at one sitting for professional exams in Nigeria.

Our Offline Video Tutorials:
ICAN, ATS, CITN, CIS, IFRS, JAMB, WAEC, GCE, NECO, Junior WAEC, SAGE 50, SAGE Evolution, Excel (Basic & Advance), QuickBooks, Project Management and others.

Recall 95% Of What You Study With ICAN Video Lectures

According to, the primary reason people learn well via video is that the human brain processes video 60,000 times faster than it does with textbooks.

A few weeks after reading, people will likely remember only 10% of textual content (textbooks), 65% of visual content, and 95% of audio-visual content.

This means that video content connects with people on a deeper level and does so significantly faster than text alone. Hence, Video Lecture enhances self-learning and engage your attention.

According to, after three days, you can retain only 10-20 percent of written or spoken information but almost sixty-five percent of visual (video) information, and visuals (Video) have been found to improve learning by up to 400 percent.

Want to try Video Lectures?

To get the ICAN offline video lectures,

click here to chat with admin on Telegram
Call / chat Call Starry Gold Academy on: 08023428420, 07086810335, 08123189141

Starry Gold Academy
No 1 Tuition center with the highest exam pass rate at one sitting for professional exams in Nigeria.

Our Offline Video Tutorials:
ICAN, ATS, CITN, CIS, IFRS, JAMB, WAEC, GCE, NECO, Junior WAEC, SAGE 50, SAGE Evolution, Excel (Basic & Advance), QuickBooks, Project Management and others. 

New ICAN Syllabus: What You Should Know.

Please ignore the circulating rumors about the new ICAN syllabus, they were not released by ICAN.

Here are the details of the rumor:

“ICAN has finally launched a new syllabus. The changes therein are massive.

Note 1: CSME is no longer in the syllabus. It has been merged with SFM

Note 2: Forensic has been introduced to Audit & Assurance

Note 3: Management accounting & business environment now in foundation level. Business law is now Corporate & Business Law.

Note 4: Case Study has carry more weight

Note 5: CR is now strategic Business Reporting.”

You are advised to wait for the official publication from ICAN before taking action. Currently, all ICAN courses remain the same and are still valid.

For more information, call ICAN student affairs on 09053847525

To get the ICAN offline video lectures,

click here to chat with admin on Telegram
Call / chat Call Starry Gold Academy on: 08023428420, 07086810335, 08123189141

Starry Gold Academy
No 1 Tuition center with the highest exam pass rate at one sitting for professional exams in Nigeria.

Our Offline Video Tutorials:
ICAN, ATS, CITN, CIS, IFRS, JAMB, WAEC, GCE, NECO, Junior WAEC, SAGE 50, SAGE Evolution, Excel (Basic & Advance), QuickBooks, Project Management and others.


In today’s business environment, computers are continuing the revolution started in the 1950s.

It has become impossible for today’s enterprises of any size and in any market sector to exist without computers to assist with their fundamental business operations.

This is because auditing work is done using paper work but in recent years, IT has changed the way audit is performed in many organization.

There are two reasons why IT auditors should use General Audit Software (GAS) products, such as Audit Command Language (ACL).

Firstly, there is the focus on fraud in recent years, according to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) and its 2009 “Report to the Nation” survey on fraud, more than 60 percent of all frauds are detected either by a tip or by accident. While internal audit has moved up on the list, there is clearly room for more proactive antifraud programs.

Secondly, is that the demands on IT and internal auditors are increasing and auditors will need to become more efficient to fulfill all of the responsibilities and tasks assigned to them.

This helps you to reduce the time you use to audit and also enable you to conduct your activities in a most efficient manner.

Using ACL empowers you as an auditor to possibly have a better sense of direction in your audit procedures.

You will be able to perform some audit procedures to gain an understanding of the data (e.g., using PROFILE, STATISTICS commands in ACL). During these procedures,
You will be able to spot an anomaly or red flag

The data in ACL are locked down as read-only.

There is no chance for the auditor to inadvertently change the data.

This inadvertent risk is much higher for IT auditors who choose to use a spreadsheet for analyzing and presenting transactions. While one can lock cells or sheets in Microsoft Excel, there is still the possibility of human error. It is almost non-existent in ACL.

You want to learn Audit Command Language?

Kindly call 08123189141,08023428420, 07086810335

click here to chat with admin on Telegram
to request for your Audit command video course NOW

Recall 95% Of What You Study With ICAN Video Lectures

According to, the primary reason people learn well via video is that the human brain processes video 60,000 times faster than it does with textbooks.

A few weeks after reading, people will likely remember only 10% of textual content (textbooks), 65% of visual content, and 95% of audio-visual content.

This means that video content connects with people on a deeper level and does so significantly faster than text alone. Hence, Video Lecture enhances self-learning and engage your attention.

According to, after three days, you can retain only 10-20 percent of written or spoken information but almost sixty-five percent of visual (video) information, and visuals (Video) have been found to improve learning by up to 400 percent.

Want to try Video Lectures?

To get the ICAN offline video lectures,

click here to chat with admin on Telegram
Call / chat Call Starry Gold Academy on: 08023428420, 07086810335, 08123189141

Starry Gold Academy
No 1 Tuition center with the highest exam pass rate at one sitting for professional exams in Nigeria.

Our Offline Video Tutorials:
ICAN, ATS, CITN, CIS, IFRS, JAMB, WAEC, GCE, NECO, Junior WAEC, SAGE 50, SAGE Evolution, Excel (Basic & Advance), QuickBooks, Project Management and others.


If you want to add more to your Financial Accounting Career, then you need an in-depth-knowledge of the IFRS.

The understanding of the IFRS is not only for those who plan to seat for the IFRS (ACCA Certificate or Diploma) exams, it is for anyone who knows that knowledge is power and plans to take advantage of that power.

IFRS is not only for people who work in multinational companies but for anyone who understands the essence of value even in the local business units.

The International Financial Reporting Standards are a set of standards primarily based on some fundamental principles of transparency, credibility, and consistency.

So that any organization or business unit that can implement these standards has successfully projected a credible outlook.

So if you have the knowledge of the IFRS, you will not only know how to implement it for the benefit of your company, but you will be able to tell which company is credible enough to invest in and which is not.

This knowledge can be another tool in your hands for you to begin to manage investment portfolios for clients- in other words, you have become an investment manager.

And if you want, you can begin to offer advice to clients on which company to invest in and which not- in other words, you have become a consultant.

And for your own financial growth, you can determine which business unit to invest in and which not.

PS: The world has gone beyond waiting for opportunities, nowadays, people create their own opportunities. You too can create your own opportunity by equipping yourself with the necessary knowledge

Need our IFRS Video Tutorial?

Call Starry Gold Academy on 08123189141, 08023428420, 07086810335

Or click here to chat with admin on Telegram

Number 1 ICAN tuition center with highest exam pass rate at ONE SITTING.

Our Offline Video Tutorials:

ICAN, ATS, CITN, CIS, CISA, IFRS, JAMB, WAEC, GCE, NECO, Junior WAEC, SAGE 50, SAGE Evolution, Excel (Basic & Advance), QuickBooks and others.

#ifrs #ifrsvideotraining #ifrsvideolectures

Feeling Stuck Because You Missed Last Diet ICAN Exam?

If you have ever felt held back by circumstances beyond your control, like being unable to write your last diet ICAN exam because your exam leave was denied, then you can replicate what our student did to overcome such a situation.

Two diets ago, one of our students sent me this message via email “I was not granted exam leave, so I couldn’t write the last diet ICAN exam and I’m not sure if I will be granted exam leave this diet but I really want to write ICAN exam”
This is the solution I gave her and it helped her to write the last diet ICAN exam without exam leave.

She started her preparation even before the release of ICAN results. Since she did not write the previous exam while waiting until the result is released before stating her preparation.
If you did not write the last diet exam and you have not started preparing for the next diet exam, you will likely waste one month from the limited time you have for exam preparation.

She planned her study for Saturday and Sunday only because of the very busy nature of her work on weekdays.

She studied for 5 hours on Saturday and 5 hours on Sunday for 5 months.

She covered the syllabus twice and solved a lot of past questions before the exam date.

In her words “This is the first time I’m writing ICAN exam without any form of exam pressure and I was very confident in the exam hall. It looks almost impossible to write ICAN exam without exam leave for a busy professional like me, but with your advice I made it”

P.S. Don’t let missed opportunities hold you back any longer!
If you weren’t granted the chance to write your last diet ICAN exam due to the lack of exam leave, now is your time to take control of your future and start preparing TODAY.
Remember, success favors the prepared. Begin your journey toward ICAN success right NOW!

Request for our ICAN Video lectures, 30 Days ICAN Exam Study Guide, and the Solution to 15 diets ICAN exam past questions.

Call Starry Gold Academy on, 08023428420, 07086810335, or, 08123189141
Or click here to chat with the admin on Telegram https:///starrygoldacademy

Starry Gold Academy
No 1 Tuition Center with the highest exam pass rate at one sitting for professional exams in Nigeria.

Our Offline Video Tutorials:
ICAN, ATS, CITN, CIS, IFRS, JAMB, WAEC, GCE, NECO, Junior WAEC, SAGE 50, SAGE Evolution, Excel (Basic & Advance), QuickBooks, Project Management, and others.