Registration Fees and Exam Fees

Kindly check below for the procedures on how to apply for CITN Membership

  • You are required to write examination and pass before you will be inducted. Below are the basic steps you can take to apply for CITN.


    • Go to at the top right hand corner click on the icon “Join CITN”
    • For Taxation Technician Scheme (TTS) Student – click on – “Become a Taxation Technician Member”. Also, for Graduates (HND/B Sc.) – click on – “Become a student member”
    • Type the correct information into the spaces provided on page one (Email address and your phone number are very important and it must be functional because information would be communicated to you through these two media). After filling the information on the first page , click on “Save and Continue”

    NOTE: If any of the following occurred:

    i.You forgot your Password

    ii.Internet outage

    iii.System failure

    And you cannot proceed with your registration, go back to the CITN home page; at the top right hand corner, click on “JOIN CITN” type your username alone and press the “Tab key” on your Keyboard the system will ask “are you user name…? Click on your username, the system will take you back to whichever page of the registration procedure you stopped then you can continue your registration process

    • Fill the second page – Contact Information (Home address, Email address and your phone number are very important). click on “Save and Continue”
    • Fill the third page – Work information & Educational Information e.t.c. – “the Most preferred Mailing Address” icon is very important
    • Fourth Page – you are to scan and upload – Files to Authenticate Education Information & Files to Authenticate Professional Certifications – (attached files must be in PDF format)

    *Make Photocopies of all your certificates and give them to a CITN member ( a financial member of the Institute) to certify i.e. the CITN member will sign and write his/her membership number on all your credentials; after which the prospective student will scan and upload such certificates

    **These are files which will be used by the CITN administrator to verify your submitted educational and certification information. Please make sure you attach all your credentials as your application may be declined if enough documentation is not available.

    ***Important credentials to scan & upload the following necessary documents:

    i)Certified photocopy of Birth Certificate or Sworn Declaration of Age;

    ii)Certified photocopies of Educational qualification(s)


    iii)Certified photocopy of Professional Certificate (you intend using to claim Exemption)

    iv)Certified photocopies of NYSC Certificate/NYSC call up letter or Letter of Exclusion from NYSC

    • Fill the Fifth page –

    i.“Login Information” –

    ii.Type your referee’s membership number

    *Referee 1 Membership number *Referee 2 Membership number

    Note: Your referee must be CITN members that are financially up-to-date- a member whose annual subscription is up-to-date

    iii.Upload your passport photograph – this is also very important. If you do not upload your passport photograph, your application would be declined

    • Sixth Page – Payment Information – click on “Proceed to payment”. There are two modes of payment:

    i.You pay the sum of ₦11,500(Student Registration fee) into any of the CITN’s Account. You print out the Reference code page(i.e. the payment page). You scan your ₦11,500 teller and the Reference code page to – copy

    ii.You can also make payment using your Interswitch Debit Card, Visa Card or MasterCard – click on the icon “click here to continue”

    • Immediately you pay with any of these payment platforms (Interswitch Debit Card, Visa Card or MasterCard) you will receive a message in your Inbox or Spam box(so make sure your E-mail address &Phone No is functional because all correspondence would be sent to your Email Box ) in the mail you will see a link click on that link to submit your Student Registration form and then you will get a message that your APPLICATION HAVE BEEN SUBMITTED AND IT IS AWAITING APPROVAL. IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE THIS MESSAGE THAT MEANS YOUR APPLICATION HAD NOT BEEN SUBMITTED.
    • ii. If you are paying to the Bank and you are scanning your Teller and Reference code

    page to you would need to follow up by calling our Land line number: 01-7741273 – Press the number for Finance Department. This is because the Reference code page would expire after 72 Hours after which you will have to generate another one by re-printing a fresh Reference code page. After the Finance Department had logged in your Payment details you will receive a message in your Inbox or Spam box (so make sure your E-mail address &Phone No is functional because all correspondence would be sent to your Email Box) in the mail you will see a link click on that link to submit your Student Registration form and then you will get a message that your APPLICATION HAVE BEEN SUBMITTED AND IT IS AWAITING APPROVAL. IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE THIS MESSAGE THAT MEANS YOUR APPLICATION HAD NOT BEEN SUBMITTED.


    ∙Student Registration and Exemption Registration is continuous


    ∙Candidate who intends writing the exams must have registered as student 2 clear months before the examination dates and must have been given student membership number(Registration number)

    ∙Also, a student, who is desirous of exemption in any stage, must have gotten required exemption one clear month before the examination date.


    Exemption application can be done online after your student registration has been approved.

    Login by selecting the “login by” (username or email address or membership nos). Type your “username or email address or membership nos” and password to login to your profile page.

    Click on Apply for exemption (at the right corner) from my membership menu of your profile page.

    Choose your Qualification Class e.g HND, BSC, ACA e.t.c

    Type your Qualification claim – e.g the University/Polytechnic or Professional qualification

    Comment – Provide a comment for your exemption

    Attachments – Make Photocopies of all your certificates and give them to a CITN member (a financial member of the Institute) to certify i.e. the CITN member will sign and write his/her membership number on all your credentials; after which the prospective student will scan and upload such certificates.

    Then save

    Under available courses, check the courses you are seeking exemption and click “proceed to payment”

    Payment Information – click on “Proceed to payment”. There are two modes of payment:

    You pay the required fee into any of the CITN’s Account. You print out the Reference code page (i.e. the payment page). You scan your payment teller and the Reference code page to – copy

    You can also make payment using your Interswitch Debit Card, Visa Card or MasterCard – click on the icon “click here to continue”

    Then wait for your exemption approval via your mail.


    ∙Student Registration and Exemption Registration is continuous


    ∙Candidate who intends writing the exams must have registered as student 2 clear months before the examination dates and must have been given student membership number(Registration number)

    ∙Also, a student, who is desirous of exemption in any stage, must have gotten required exemption one clear month before the examination date.

    ∙Exemption for ACA, BSc economics, ACIS, BSc Banking & Finance, BSc Statistic, BSc Taxation, LLB, BL, MNIM, TTS Graduates are in two stages.

    Candidates are required to seek for approval for Foundation courses first, and then re-apply for the other stages before registration for prospective examination.

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    The Council of the Institute has approved the following criteria on Direct Membership application:

    1. Accredited Nigerian Professional Institutions i.e. ICAN and ANAN with 1 year post membership experience;

    2. Staff of State Boards of Internal Revenue i.e. on Grade level 10 and above on Senior Inspector Cadre or Asst. Manager Tax with Federal Inland Revenue Service with two (2) years post promotion experience ; or must have passed the JTB/FIRS final examination.

    3. Lawyers i.e. three (3) years post call to bar and cognate experience.

    If qualified based on the criteria above, please download and complete the Associate form, send to the Institute’s Secretariat (Lagos or Abuja Liaison office) with your credentials duly attested by two financials members of the Institute with an Application form fee of N10,000.00 (non refundable) payable as follows:


    Bank – UBA Plc
    Account Nos: 100580652, Sort Code: 033153542
    Account Name: The Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria

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    Exam application can be done online after your student registration and exemption has been approved.

    Login by selecting the “login by” (username or email address or membership nos). Type your “username or email address or membership nos” and password to login to your profile page.

    When exam registration is opened, click on Register for exam at the top right corner of your profile page.

    Choose your exam centre and exam diet from the drop down menu, automatically your proposed exam courses will be displayed.

    Click on “Register for Examination” then you will be re-directed to payment page.

    Payment Information – click on “Proceed to payment”. There are two modes of payment: You pay the required fee into any of the CITN’s Account. You print out the Reference code page (i.e. the payment page). You scan your payment teller and the Reference code page to – copy

    You can also make payment using your Interswitch Debit Card, Visa Card or Master Card – click on the icon “click here to continue”

    Then wait for your examination approval and examination docket via your mail.

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Exemption /paper fee:TTS1- N2500, TTS2- N3000, TTS3- N3500, FOUNDATION- N4000, PT1- N6000, PT2- N8000

1. TTS Graduates (ATT) All Foundation Papers, Quantitative Techniques in PT 1 22,000+N3,500 (form fee)
2. ICAN(ACA) All Foundation Papers, Quantitative Techniques, Income Tax in PT 1 28,000 + N3,500 (form fee)
3. ANAN(CAN) All Foundation Papers 16,000+ N3,500 (form fee)
4. ACIB All Foundation Papers 16,000+ N3,500 (form fee)
5. ACS All Foundation Papers 16,000+ N3,500 (form fee)
6. ACIS All Foundation Papers, Quantitative Techniques in PT 1 22,000+ N3,500 (form fee)
7. MNIM All Foundation Papers & Strategy, Risk & Ethics PT 2 24,000+ N3,500 (form fee)
8. LLB, BL General Principles of Law; Revenue Law 10,000+ N3,500 (form fee)
9. HND/BSc (Accounting) All Foundation Papers 16,000+ N3,500 (form fee)
10. HND/BSc(Bus. Admin) Accounting, Economics & General Principles of Law 12,000+ N3,500 (form fee)
11. HND/BSc Taxation All Foundation & PE 1 Papers 22,000+ N3,500 (form fee)
12. HND/BSc Maths/Statistics Economics, Quantitative Techniques 10,000+ N3,500 (form fee)
13. BSc Economics Economics & General Principles of Law, Quantitative Techniques 14,000+ N3,500 (form fee)
14. HND/BSc Banking/Finance Quantitative Techniques, Economics 10,000+ N3,500 (form fee)



 Suit D2, Alhaja Humani Abiola Memorial Shopping Mall
62/82 Kudirat Abiola Way (Oregun Road), Opp. Opebi Link Brigde
Welfare B/Stop, Oregun, Ikeja, Lagos
ph: 0802-342-8420, 0807-145-6954