personal development

EXCEL Skills Every Accountant Need To Know ( part 2 )

Before I mention the Excel skills that that every accountant needs,let me share a feedback from the part 1 of this article.

EXCEL Skills Every Accountant Need To Know

“I have been a Chartered Accountant
for over 3 years now. Something
unbelieavable happened in my office recently.
There was vacancy for the post of Chief Accountant.

A colleague, Mr Orioye and I
were top contender for the job.
The company hired an outsourcing firm
to conduct the interview for Mr Orioye and I.

They panel started with an Oral interview,
then proceed to the use of SAGE 50,
Project Management and Excel.
I actually know how to use all
these packages but not really
very proficient in the use of Excel.

After the interview we were informed
that Orioye got the job for the position
of the chief Accountant. Later I found out
that he was extremely proficient
in the use of Excel.

I felt the company was unfair
with the interview, after all
I have spent more years in the company
than Mr Orioye.

I don’t want to call this my fate,
but I want to see it as an act
of negligence because I have the
practical Video tutorial on Advance excel
but didn’t use it.

After reading your last article,
I just feel like to share my own bitter
experience just to save other
Charted Accountant from such mistake ”

So let’s continue on the EXCEL skills every Accountant need to know


Excel for accountants can be challenging,
particularly when you’re dealing with
huge spreadsheets with many sheets.
Pivot tables can help you to make sense of
huge sets of data by organising and
summarising selected rows and columns of data to
obtain a report on the data you’re interested in.


If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed looking at
row upon row of numbers,
wondering where to even begin,
pivot tables are a quick way of getting
some much-needed clarity. Pivot tables are
invaluable for extracting important
information from large data sets.


There’s nothing worse than copying
a formula to multiple cells,
only to discover it doesn’t work or
do what you want it to.
Instead, test your formulae by going to
Formula and then Evaluate Formula,
or by using the shortcut Alt + M + V (Cmd + M + V on Mac).


Macros are a way of automating repetitive tasks,
making it a great excel shortcut for accountants.
Although they can seem a little intimidating at first,
with some practice you’ll master
this skill in no time at all.
You’ll need to be able to recognize
which tasks are suitable for automation and have
a good grasp of formulae to be
able to make the most of macros.


You no longer have to be a calculus whiz
to get the most out of Excel formulas.
The Formula Auditing toolbar gives you
quick and dirty access to an error checking function
that works especially well on large
and complicated worksheets.
Even if you are working with a smaller worksheet,
you can still make the process of
creating and auditing your formulas
speed along much more quickly.

Need to upgrade you Excel skill?
Get practical Advance EXCEL videos training NOW.

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P.S: Most time we don’t determine
what the labour market demand of us
as professionals, but decide to fit in by
updating our skill or do nothing and become outdated……
This choice is yours, ACT NOW.

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