Have You Abandoned Your CIS Career? Please Read This……

There is nothing as painful as starting
something big like a CIS career journey and
abandoning it due to the frustration of
not passing CIS exams.

We dream and aspire to reach a
greater height in life but
85% of us are not willing to fight for it.
Not because we are not willing to work it out,
but the process of working things out seems
frustrating, so we give up.

Most times, we will come across failures while
trying to work things out
if we persist, we will breakthrough.

The reality of life is that the world is full of
‘successful failures’.
Many of them have had to overcome setbacks and
career disappointments to reach the top,
yet they were persistent .

If you think you are the only who has
experienced failure before,
see list of some prominent people who
bounced back from failure ‘successful failures’ ;


One of the world’s wealthiest men now,
struggled to find his niche early on.
He started Traf-O-Data with two other businessmen,
a business that created reports for
roadway engineers from raw traffic data.

The company did achieve a measure of success by
generating some income
but allegedly, the machine they had built to process
the data tanked when they tried to present it to a
Seattle County traffic employee.

This didn’t stop Bill
and the lessons he learned from the traffic data company
helped him found one of the world’s biggest companies- Microsoft.


Oprah was born into working-class poverty.
She was the daughter of a teenaged low-income mother
and was pregnant at 14 (her son died shortly after birth).
Even after she scored a job in journalism,
things still weren’t easy.

One of her first jobs in TV ended abruptly after the
producer declared she was “unfit for television.”

Considering how far she has come,
they must be eating their words.

Never see yourself as a failure, look at what you
stand to gain or lose if
you abandon your CIS career.

P.S: What if just one more try is what we need to scale through!!!
It’s easy to dream of success but working it out is always the issue.

According to Mark Zuckerberg
“Many people dream of success while other people work for it”

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