74 Days To ICAN Exam….What’s Your Plan?

74 days look like a lot of days, so you might feel like there is still enough time,

but if you dont start preparation for the ICAN exam now,
you might put yourself under pressure because of late preparation.

If you study on weekends only, you have just 22 Saturdays and Sundays ONLY.

We have made it easy for you to be able to finish the ICAN syllabus before the exam,
with our 60 Days ICAN Exam Study Challenge.

Lot’s of ICAN students have join already, don’t be left out.

Do you want to PARTICIPATE?

click here to chat to join our ICAN Telegram Classes NOW https://starrygoldacademy.com/members/ican-telegram-class/

You can also click here to chat with admin on Telegram NOW https://t.me/starrygoldacademy

Call/Chat Starry Gold Academy on 08123189141, 08023428420, 07086810335

Starry Gold Academy
Number 1 tuition center with the highest exam pass rate at ONE SITTING.

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