Feeling Stuck Because You Missed Last Diet ICAN Exam?

If you have ever felt held back by circumstances beyond your control, like being unable to write your last diet ICAN exam because your exam leave was denied, then you can replicate what our student did to overcome such a situation.

Two diets ago, one of our students sent me this message via email “I was not granted exam leave, so I couldn’t write the last diet ICAN exam and I’m not sure if I will be granted exam leave this diet but I really want to write ICAN exam”

This is the solution I gave her and it helped her to write the last diet ICAN exam without exam leave.

She started her preparation even before the release of ICAN results. Since she did not write the previous exam while waiting until the result is released before stating her preparation.

If you did not write the last diet exam and you have not started preparing for the next diet exam, you will likely waste one month from the limited time you have for exam preparation.

She planned her study for Saturday and Sunday only because of the very busy nature of her work on weekdays.

She studied for 5 hours on Saturday and 5 hours on Sunday for 5 months.

She covered the syllabus twice and solved a lot of past questions before the exam date.

In her words “This is the first time I’m writing ICAN exam without any form of exam pressure and I was very confident in the exam hall. It looks almost impossible to write ICAN exam without exam leave for a busy professional like me, but with your advice I made it”

P.S. Don’t let missed opportunities hold you back any longer!

If you weren’t granted the chance to write your last diet ICAN exam due to the lack of exam leave, now is your time to take control of your future and start preparing TODAY.

Request for our ICAN Video lectures, 30 Days ICAN Exam Study Guide, and the Solution to 15 diets ICAN exam past questions.

Call Starry Gold Academy on, 08023428420, 07086810335, or, 08123189141

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